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題名: 針對青少年學習者的電影華語教學- 以「我的少女時代」為例
Chinese-language teaching for adolescent learners through chinese films: in the example of "Our Times"
作者: 李佳恆
Li, Jia Heng
貢獻者: 陳麗宇
Chen, Li Yu
Li, Jia Heng
關鍵詞: 華語電影
Chinese film
Teaching chinese as a second language
CLT method
Teaching adolescent CSL learners
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 24-Jul-2017
摘要: 「溝通」為語言學習的主要目的,如何能使中級華語學習者自然流暢地表達個人觀點並更貼近母語人士的語言習慣是本研究所探討的議題。研究顯示「電影」應用於第二語言教材可以幫助學習者提升溝通能力,更可持續激發語言學習的興趣。然而台灣目前使用電影主要以文化課程輔助進行,尚未規劃專門的電影華語課程,且普遍以成人為主教學對象。\n 因此本文主要探討如何應用華語電影於青少年華語課程,並分析華語電影教材的學習成效。本研究採用文獻回顧探究電影教學相關研究、中英教學中的電影教學發展、青少年華語教學、教學法與教學模式,以第二章節作為理論架構,依據此架構設計電影華語課程並實際執行。研究結果顯示使用溝通式教學法所延伸的教學活動,同時搭配ADDIE教學模式能有效地將電影教材應用於華語課程中,不僅符合學習者的學習需求,更使教學更具系統性。研究者依電影主題歸納成11種類型,針對青少年學習者選取「愛情類」、「勵志類」類型,以此兩種主題作為框架列舉出20部適合用於華語課程的電影,另外參考電影作為第二語言教材的標準,制定5項華語電影選取原則提供教學者參考。回饋結果顯示,學習者認為電影華語課程能提升聽、說能力,其次為閱讀能力,最後為寫作能力。整體而言,青少年學習者對於電影運用於語言課程中抱持正面的看法,大部分的學習者表示喜愛電影主題和課程中所討論的話題,透過課程中不斷地問答和多元的任務練習活動,學習者溝通時能以自然的表達方式和他人交流想法,並以尊重、包容和分享的情懷欣賞跨文化的議題。最後,研究者於文末提供未來電影華語教學之研究建議。
Communication is the main purpose of language learning. This research is concerned about how to assist intermediate-level learners in expressing fluently and using the language according to the native speaker`s habits. Research shows that using “ Film” can help to improve the communicative ability of the learners, which can also trigger more interest in language learning. However, the use of films for teaching Chinese in Taiwan is limited to culture classes of the adult, not planned for specialized classes. \nHence, the main purpose of this research is to analyze how to apply Chinese films in adolescent Chinese courses, and the effect of Chinese film courses. The method of this research is based on the literature review in both teaching Chinese and English by using film, teaching Chinese for adolescent, teaching method and teaching model. Through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on teaching Chinese through Chinese films. The result has shown that using Communicative Language Teaching and ADDIE teaching model at the same time can incorporate film materials into courses more effectively. According to the film genre, the author has classified 11 types of films, analyzed romance and inspiration topic for adolescent learners, listed 20 films through which are suitable for Chinese courses. Besides, this research has drawn up 5 criteria for selecting Chinese films. The result of the survey has shown that listening and speaking ability can be increased after courses, but not much practice on reading and writing ability. Overall, using film as class material receives a very positive feedback from adolescent learners. Most of the learners show their high interest in themes and topics of the courses, learners can share ideas and express themselves naturally with others through diverse tasks in the class. Meanwhile learning to show respect to different cultures in cross-cultural issues. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included at the end of this thesis.
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