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題名: 青年待業者的生涯故事─華人家庭文化動力觀點
The career story of unemployed young adults: dynamics of Chinese family
作者: 洪鵬翼
Hung, Peng-I
貢獻者: 傅如馨
Hung, Peng-I
關鍵詞: 尼特族
Unemployed young adults
Dynamics of Chinese family
Career narrative
日期: 2017
上傳時間: 31-七月-2017
摘要: 本研究目的在於「解構」既定對於「青年待業者」的印象,並希望透過社會建構的觀點探討華人家庭文化中「青年待業者」的生涯特性,同時也透過「華人家庭文化動力」的觀點,瞭解「家庭」對於該族群的影響。研究方式採「質性研究」,以「半結構性訪談」為資料蒐集方法,受訪者為6名年齡介於26至29歲之青年,以「主題分析法」進行分析。研究主題透過「自我」與「家庭」兩條路徑發軔,針對「青年待業者的生涯特性」與「華人家庭文化動力對於青年待業者生涯的影響」進行兩大面向的探討。研究結果顯示,在「青年待業者的生涯特性」面向中可歸納四個主題:(一)我是誰:生命任務的認定;(二)我如何成為我:自我價值觀的轉變;(三)完美主義與自我懷疑的兩難;以及,(四)追求真實的自我,無偽誠然坦慨。在「華人家庭文化動力對於青年待業者的生涯影響」面向中可歸納三個主題:(一)家與我,生涯價值觀的搖籃;(二)短路的溝通,難解的誤會:華人家庭動力;以及,(三)回頭的洞見,期許與展望。本研究探討青年待業者內在「自我」與「家庭」辯證歷程,並依據研究結果提出相關研究與實務建議。此外,期許透過本研究促進當代對於「青年待業者」族群之瞭解並協助新興生涯理論典範之建立。
The focus of this study is to deconstruct stereotypical impression of unemployed young adults; meanwhile, we attempted to figure out how dynamics of Chinese families influence their career. Based on a narrative approach to the qualitative research, this study was conducted with the means of “semi-structural interview” to collect the narrative data. Six young adults aged 26 to 29 were interviewed. The thematic analysis method was applied to analyze the texts, forming two aspects of the text analysis: “unemployed young adults’ career development characteristics”, and “how dynamics of Chinese families influence unemployed young adults’ career”. There are four common themes which represent “unemployed young adults’ career development characteristics”: (a) who am I: the identification of my life task, (b) how have I been made: the transition of how I value myself, (c) the dilemma of perfectionism and self-doubt, and (d) how to reveal my authentic self. The three common themes on how dynamics of Chinese families influence unemployed young adults’ career are as follows: (a) what my family has passed on to me: career values, (b) how communication is done in a Chinese family: dynamics of Chinese family, and (c) what I have learned from my family: insight and expectation. In the study, we investigated the dialectical progress of “self” and “family” in unemployed young adults. Some practical suggestions are proposed for further research and relative professions. Hopefully, the study will contribute to the understanding of the group and the establishment of novel career theory paradigm.
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