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題名: 1998 年之後印尼華人的再華化
Chinese Indonesian Re-Chineseness After 1998
作者: 鄧峻丞
Teng, Jiunn-Cherng
貢獻者: 黃瓊萩
Huang, Chiung-Chiu
Teng, Jiunn-Cherng
關鍵詞: 印尼
Overseas Chinese
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 7-Aug-2019
摘要: 1998 年蘇哈托卸任印尼總統,告終長達 32 年的威權統治,也為印尼迎來民 主的時代。印尼民主化以後,為重建受亞洲金融風暴摧殘和社會動亂的印尼,因 此恢復印尼華人應該擁有的公民權,希望藉由建立穩定的社會,吸引印尼華人和 海外的資金。並且開啟了印尼華人的「再華化」,雖然從千禧年後的十多年間, 這個再華化面臨許多重大挑戰,但隨著中國的崛起和提出 21 世紀海洋絲綢之路 後,也給印尼華人製造出了千載難逢的機會。此期間,華商、華報、華社分別如 何認知和接受再華化?華商、華報、華社又分別是如何在矛盾的印尼社會中,利 用華人的身份和血統來提升個人利益?\n\n本研究旨在探討不同領域中的印尼華人,究竟是如何看待自身的華裔血統和 身份認同,並且如何依藉著中國的崛起,將華人血統變為獲取更大利益的優勢。 本研究經過分析得出兩項成果。第一,歷經蘇哈托專政的 32 年去華化,加強了 印尼華人對印尼的國族認同,屏棄 1990 年代初的中國化,轉為提倡中華文化的 再華化。第二,在中國積極的與印尼接觸和對印尼投資項目和數量逐年提升,帶 動投入更多資源在其他領域上,成為促進印尼華人自我再華化的動力源,甚至日 後印尼華人很有可能會繼續加強再華化。
Suharto stepped down in 1998. This ended 32 years authoritarian and embraced democracy. After the democratization of Indonesia, in order to rebuild Indonesia from the harm of Asian Financial Crisis and social instability, Indonesia government had restored the citizenship that Chinese Indonesian deserved. Indonesia government hoped to attract Chinese Indonesian and overseas capital by building a stable society. This re-ignited re-Chineseness in Indonesian Chinese community. Although re-Chineseness has faced numerous challenges more than ten years since millennium, with the rise of China and the proposed of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has created a golden opportunity to Chinese Indonesian. During this period, how do Chinese Indonesian business owners, newspapers, and associations acknowledge re-Chineseness? How do Chinese Indonesian business owners, newspapers, and associations use the identity to maximize their personal interest in contradictory society.\n\nThe purpose of this study is to explore how Chinese Indonesian in different fields view their Chinese heritage and identity, and how to turn this heritage and identity into advantage by the risen of China. This study had discovered two outcomes. The first one is the anti-Chineseness policy during Suharto era had successfully erased Chinese identity and strengthened Indonesian identity. This caused the re-ignited re-Chineseness is only attempting to revive the Chinese traditional culture in Indonesia. The second is China actively touches and increasing investments in Indonesia has pushed China to input more resources in different fields of project year by year. This becomes the power for Chinese Indonesian to re-Chineseness. Chinese Indonesian are likely to continually deepen re-Chineseness in the future.
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