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題名: 媒體「中立」的再思考:2018高雄市長選舉民視與中天電視新聞報導之比較分析
A Comparation of TV News Coverage of the 2018 Kaohsiung Mayoral Election Campaign: FTV vs CTI
作者: 傅詩涵
Fu, Shih-Han
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Fu, Shih-Han
關鍵詞: 高雄市長選舉
News frame
Political bias
Media ideology
News objectivity
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 5-Sep-2019
摘要: 本研究旨在探討台灣電視新聞媒體之客觀與中立呈現,並選擇以競選新聞探究媒體的意識形態與政治偏差,2018年11月的縣市長選舉頗有2020總統前哨戰的意味,研究以討論度最高的「高雄市長選舉」電視新聞報導作為觀察主題,並採用《中天新聞》和《民視新聞》作為研究文本,挑選韓國瑜和陳其邁分別在旗山美濃造勢、政見會以及投票日前五天的辯論會,此4個競選事件作為研究主體,研究方法採用文本分析(textual analysis),對於新聞文本的結構、敘述、引述、新聞框架等,進行脈絡化的分析。\n本研究發現媒體的意識形態決定新聞框架與新聞呈現,在政治偏差上,《中天》的政治光譜偏藍,《民視》則偏綠;韓國瑜在選前民調飆高,報導上的偏差使《中天》成為防守者媒體,《民視》為攻擊者媒體,雙方在新聞框架上都偏好採用「衝突框架」產生政治對立,防守者媒體「情感框架」凝聚選民認同意識,攻擊者媒體採用「責任框架」去譴責並且攻擊對手,防守者媒體在框架運用上較為平均,攻擊者媒體則比較集中在「衝突框架」、「經濟結果框架」以及「責任框架」,而媒體的中立客觀在電視新聞中,可能需要與時俱進的討論。
The purpose of this study is to explore the objectivity and neutral presentations of Taiwan`s TV news. Choosing comparation of Kaohsiung mayor election campaign, which has the highest discussion in 2018. Using election news coverage with ideology and political bias. Before the year 2020, the election results of 2018 Kaohsiung Mayoral Election can predict presidential election. This study uses "CTI" and "FTV" as research texts, select Meinong campaign rally of HAN GUO-YU and Qishan campaign rally of CHEN CHI-MAI. On the other hand, the hustings and debates are taken as research subjects. Textual analysis is used as research method to conclude news texts, included news structures, text narratives, quotations and so on.\nThe results of the study were that media ideology determines the news frame and news presentation. In political bias, "CTI" political spectrum tend to KMT, while "FTV" tend to DPP. HAN GUO-YU had high opinion polls before the election and deviation in reporting make CTI as defender media, FTV as attacker media. In the news frame, they all prefer to use the "conflict frame" to create political opposition. Defender media use " human interest frame " to condense voter identity. Attacker media use "responsibility frame" to castigate and attack opponents. Defender media use the frame more evenly, while attacker media focus more on "conflict frame", "economic consequences frame" and "responsibility frame". The neutrality and objectivity of the media in TV news may need to be discussed with the times.
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資料類型: thesis
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