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題名: 優勢觀點模式對社會福利服務團體組織文化之影響
The Influence of implementing the Strengths Perspective on the Organizational Culture of Social Welfare Organizations
作者: 宋冀寧
Sung, Chi-Ning
貢獻者: 宋麗玉
Song, Ly-Yu
Sung, Chi-Ning
關鍵詞: 社會福利團體
Strengths Perspective
Social Welfare Organizations
Organizational Culture
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 優勢觀點模式自2003年引進國內,其強調依循個人的想望,運用案主自決,建立類似友誼的專業關係等方法,激發案主希望和改變的動機,藉由優勢的發掘和肯定,增強案主權能,並以復元為終極目標。現有社會福利團體運用此模式,已呈現豐碩成果,並為工作人員及組織帶來新的工作模式與價值信念。相關研究指出經內化認同的共同價值所形成的組織文化,與組織運作與行為有著重要關係,因此探討社福團體運用優勢觀點之組織文化將有其意義與價值。\n本研究以學者Schein於1992年所提出組織文化層次為詮釋架構,分析優勢觀點社福團體具體與抽象文化層次內涵。包含外顯可見的空間環境及文物,同時對於組織內部所呈現之事實認定、時間觀點、人性意涵、環境互動與人群關係等抽象向度進行探討,檢視蘊含於組織之各向度的價值信念,並依據其價值信念分析該向度所呈現之基本假定。本研究採取質性研究之半結構訪談設計,深度探索5個運用優勢模式社福團體之5位領導者及5位組織成員,經過資料分析整理並提出優勢觀點社福團體之組織文化類型。\n研究結果顯示,優勢觀點社福團體所呈現外在環境選擇具實用功能且不拘泥於表面形象、內在環境潛在務實發展專業理念、尊重且認同領導者帶領組織及其發展方向的事實看法、重視彼此成長與發展的時間運用角度、環境互動時充滿自信且積極營造認同、群體間關係緊密,重視彼此觀感等特色,其中「持續成長和重視發展的組織文化」,可涵攝上述基本假定,形成優勢觀點主要之組織文化。\n最後,本研究提出以下建議:\n一、對優勢觀點社福團體之建議:持續覺察出日常所共享信念與價值觀,並探索組織文化潛藏的基本假定,將可進一步釐清各自組織文化特色並思索變革發展之必要性,同時發展具傳承功能的具體制度。\n二、對其他社福團體之建議:優勢觀點除於個案服務具有相當成效,運用於社福團體組織亦有確立明確工作方法與價值理念、找回社工專業的初心、營造認同與歸屬感,以及具有共同管理減輕負擔等實質特色,值得社福團體組織管理者參考運用。
The strengths perspective has been introduced to Taiwan since 2003. It focuses on hopes and aspirations of individuals, as well as their self-determining capacity, and establishes a close and friendly professional relationship with clients so as to stimulate and motivate their desires to change. In other words, to achieve the ultimate goal of recovery, the strengths perspective identifies and elicits clients’ strengths and attempts to empower them. The implementation of this approach by social welfare organizations has yielded fruitful results and has brought new working patterns and value beliefs to staff and organizations. Relevant researches point out that the organizational culture formed by the shared beliefs and values that are internally identified, has an important relationship with organizational operations and behaviors. Hence, it is essential and purposeful to further study the organizational culture of those social welfare organizations implementing the strengths perspective.\nThe qualitative in-depth interview is applied to collect data from five leaders and five social workers of five organizations. Then the data are analyzed inductively according to Schein’s organizational cultural theory. This study analyzes the external environment and artifacts of these organizations that implement the strengths perspective, and further explores their underlying value beliefs before drawing up the basic assumptions accordingly. Finally, the organizational culture types of these social welfare organizations are proposed.\nThe study reveals that the implementation of the strength perspective by these social welfare organizations have shown more concerned with practical functions than external images, the professional concept of the potential pragmatic development of the internal environment, the respect of an agreement with the factual views of leaders leading the organization and the development direction, the importance of time consumption on mutual growth and development, the enhancement of self-confidence when interacting in social settings and the acknowledgement of identity, the establishment of close relationship between groups and valuing mutual respect and perception. Among them, the "continuous growth and development-oriented organizational culture" can capture the above basic assumptions and form a dominant perspective.\nFinally, this study draws the following 2 suggestions:\n1.For the social welfare organizations implementing the strengths perspective: continuous awareness of the shared beliefs and values in daily life, and exploring the underlying assumptions of organizational culture, will further figure out the cultural characteristics of each organization. It is, then, helpful to consider the necessity of change and development of the organization, as well as developing specific inheritable system.\n2.For other social welfare organizations: in addition to case service, for social welfare organizations, the strengths perspective has found to be particularly effective in establishing clear working methods and value concepts, regaining the original intention of the social work profession, and creating a sense of identity and belonging. Moreover, it has substantial feature in reducing the burden through joint management. Hence, the strengths perspective is worthwhile for organizations to refer and adopt.
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