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題名: 中小學校長智慧領導素養指標建構之研究:模糊德懷術之應用
Research on the Indicators Construction of Intelligent Leadership Competencies for Elementary and Secondary school Principals: An Application of Fuzzy Delphi Method
作者: 許懷智
Hoi, Wai-Chi
貢獻者: 張奕華
Chang, I-Hua
Hoi, Wai-Chi
關鍵詞: 智慧領導素養
Intelligent leadership competencies
Fuzzy delphi
Analytic hierarchy process
Indicators construction
Weight system
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 本研究旨在建構中小學校長智慧領導素養指標及權重體系,讓校長在經營學校時有明確的參考及依據,使智慧校園得以順利運作及發展。本研究採用模 糊徳懷術,以領導、智慧教育或資訊科技教育領域的學者專家、教育領域的行 政機關人員及智慧學校校長共計10 人為研究對象,建構中小學校長智慧領導素 養指標體系,最後再以層級分析法進行相對權重問卷調查,輔以Expert Choice 軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重。根據本研究之結果與分析,歸納其結論如下:\n一、本研究所建構出之中小學校長智慧領導素養指標及權重體系包含六個層面 33 項指標。\n二、本研究所建構出之中小學校長智慧領導素養指標六個層面依其重要性,分別為「倡導智慧教學」(32.6%);「推動智慧學習」(32.5%);「推行智慧行政」(18.4%);「營造智慧環境」(7.5%);「建置智慧保健」(4.8%);「應用智慧綠能」(4.2%)。\n三、本研究建構出之中小學校長智慧領導素養指標共33 項,在「倡導智慧教 學」方面,首重「學校提供數位學習資源」;在「倡導智慧教學」方面,昔 著重「掌握學生即時的學習成效」;在「建置智慧保健」中,以「建置或運 用健康監測系統」最為重要;在「推行智慧行政」中,最重視「建置或善 用校務行政管理平臺」;在「營造智慧環境」中,以「建置校園安全監測管 理系統」最為重要;在「應用智慧綠能」中,最重視「建置智慧感知器管 理系統,通過感知環境的狀態調整設施的運作,以降低能源消耗」。\n透過本研究結果,可為教育行政機關、校長及後續研究者提供參考及依據。
This research targets at constructing indicators and weight system of intelligent leadership for principals in primary and secondary schools so as to make them have clear reference and basis in running schools, and realize smooth operation and development of intelligent campus. In this research, Fuzzy Delphi Method is used, and a total of 10 persons are selected as the research objects, including the scholars and experts engaging in the fields of leadership, intelligent education or information technology education as well as the administrative personnel in the field of education and the principals in intelligent schools, to establish the indicators system of intelligent leadership for principals in primary and secondary schools. And finally, AHP (Analytic hierarchy process) is used to conduct relative weight questionnaire survey, and Expert Choice software is used to conduct statistical analysis to establish the weight of each index. According to the results and analysis of this study, the conclusions are summarized as follows:\n1. The indicators of intelligent leadership competencies for elementary and secondary school principals involves six levels and 33 indexes.\n2. The indicators and weight system of wise leadership for principals in primary and secondary schools involves six levels. From the perspective of importance, the six levels are successively [Advocating intelligent teaching] (32.6%), [Promoting intelligent learning] (32.5%), [Promoting intelligent administration] (18.4%), [Building intelligent environment] (7.5%), [Forming intelligent health care] (4.8%), [Applying intelligent green power] (4.2%).\n3. In this study, 33 indicators of intelligent leadership competencies for elementary and secondary school principals were constructed. In terms of [Promoting intelligent learning], "schools provide digital learning resources" was the first priority. In terms of [Advocating intelligent teaching], the first priority is "mastering students` immediate learning results". In [Forming intelligent health care], "building or using health monitoring system" is the most important. In [Promoting intelligent administration], the most important thing is to "build or make good use of the school administration platform". In [Building intelligent environment], "building campus security monitoring management system" is the most important. In the [Applying intelligent green power], the most important thing is to " Build a smart perceptron management system to reduce energy consumption by sensing the state of the environment and adjusting the operation of the facility".\nThe results of this study can provide reference and basis for educational administration institutions, principals and follow-up researchers.
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