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題名: 兒少不當對待對自我傷害之影響:負向認知與情緒調節困難的多重中介模型
Childhood Maltreatment and Non-suicidal Self-Harm Behavior: The mediating Role of Negative Cognitions and Emotion Regulation Difficulty
作者: 陳浩輝
Chan, Hou-Fai
貢獻者: 傅如馨
Fu, Ju-Hsin
Chan, Hou-Fai
關鍵詞: 兒少不當對待
childhood maltreatment
cognitive triad
emotion regulation
non-suicidal self-injury
senior high school students
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 本研究結合憂鬱認知理論(Beck, 1967)、發展心理病理模式(Yates, 2004)、自我傷害整合模式(Nock, 2009)及認知情緒模式(Hasking, Whitlock, Voon & Rose, 2017)的觀點,探討兒少不當對待、負向認知、情緒調節困難及自我傷害等四者間的關係,並建立整體模型。綜觀近年的研究,認知因素被認為與自傷有關,認知情緒模式主張自傷的個體會先進行認知考量,進而選取不同的因應方式,上述其餘理論則補充負向認知的形成因素(如:兒少不當對待),以及自傷的維持因素(如:情緒調節困難)。因此,本研究檢驗兒少不當對待對自我傷害的影響,假設兒少不當對待透過負向認知、情緒調節進而影響自我傷害。本研究參與者為654位高中職生,自傷比率為20.4%,採用問卷調查法,量表包括兒時創傷量表、認知三元素量表、情緒調節量表及自我傷害行為量表,對背景變項與研究變項進行描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、相關分析及結構方程式模型以驗證研究假設。主要研究結果顯示:(一)兒少不當對待、負向認知、情緒調節困難為自我傷害的風險因子;(二)負向認知透過情緒調節困難預測自傷頻率與自傷方式數;(三)情緒不當對待直接預測負向認知、情緒調節困難及自傷頻率與方式數;(四)僅情緒不當對待透過情緒調節困難影響自我傷害;(五)情緒不當對待與情緒忽視先透過負向認知,進而讓情緒調節困難影響自我傷害。(六)在各自的兒少不當對待模型中,情緒不當對待、身體不當對待能直接影響自我傷害。(七)在各自的兒少不當對待模型中,各種不當對待皆會先透過負向認知,進而讓情緒調節困難影響自我傷害。根據研究結果,針對不當對待與自傷防治提出未來研究及實務工作上的建議。
This study combines the points of view of depression cognitive theory (Beck, 1967), developmental psychopathology model (Yates, 2004), integrated theoretical model of self-injury(Nock, 2009) as well as cognitive-emotional model of non-suicidal self-injury(Hasking, Whitlock, Voon & Rose, 2017) to discuss the relationships among childhood maltreatment, negative cognition, emotion regulation difficulties and self-harm, and to establish an integrated model. Making a comprehensive survey of the research for the past few years, cognitive factors are deemed to be related to non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). The cognitive-emotional model claims that the individual of self-injury will first carry out cognitive consideration, and then select varying coping styles. The rest theories mentioned above supplement the formative factors of negative cognition (for instance: childhood maltreatment), as well as the sustentive factors of self-injury (for instance: emotion regulation difficulties). As a result, this study examines the influence of childhood maltreatment on self-harm, and hypothesizes that childhood maltreatment further influences self-harm through negative cognition and emotion regulation. The participants of this study are 654 senior high school students, with a self-injury ratio of 20.4 percent. This research adopts questionnaire survey, consisting of childhood trauma questionnaire, cognitive triad inventory, difficulties in emotion regulation scale as well as self-injurious behavior scale, and carries out descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, Independent-Samples t-test, correlation analysis as well as Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on background variables and research variables, so as to verify the research hypothesis. The primary study results show that: (I) childhood maltreatment, negative cognition and emotion regulation difficulties are the risk factors of self-harm; (II) Negative cognition predicts the frequency of self-injury and the number of self-injury ways through emotion regulation difficulties; (III) Emotional maltreatment directly predicts negative cognition, emotion regulation difficulties, as well as the frequency and number of ways of self-injury; (IV) Emotional maltreatment alone influences self-harm through emotion regulation difficulties; (V) Emotional maltreatment and emotional neglect will first through negative cognition, and then let emotion regulation difficulties influence self-harm; (VI) In their respective childhood maltreatment models, emotional maltreatment and physical maltreatment can directly influence self-harm. (VII) In their respective childhood maltreatment models, various kinds of childhood maltreatment will first through negative cognition, and then let emotion regulation difficulties influence self-harm. In accordance with study results, in allusion to childhood maltreatment and prevention and treatment of self-injury, this article comes up with some suggestions for future studies as well as practical work.
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