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題名: 我與她與它的故事:與身體的和解之旅
My Story with Her and It: A Journey of Reconciliation with My Body
作者: 吳思陽
Wu, Si-Yang
貢獻者: 李宗芹
Lee, Tsung-Chin
Wu, Si-Yang
關鍵詞: 身體意象
Body image
Atypical eating disorders
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-八月-2020
摘要: 本研究以研究者的生命經驗為素材,欲以研究者從開始暴食催吐,沉迷其中,症狀減輕,反復復發,終尋回自我,擺脫暴食的一系列的過程,探究分析本人出現非典型飲食疾患的原因,身體與症狀的關係,在症狀之中的心理歷程,以及從症狀中走出的力量;探究我生命中身體意象的變化歷程,以及身體意象的與症狀的關係。\n本研究以自我敘說為研究方法,研究者以自己為研究對象,書寫自己的生命經驗,包括早期我與身體的故事、症狀的出現與發展、使我出現改變的力量以及與身體的和解過程,重現過往的場景、行為、情緒、心理歷程,然後跳出主觀視角,以客觀的方式重新審視過去經驗,獲得更深層的認識和理解,總結分析其成因,看見我與我的身體意象及非典型飲食疾患三者流動的關係,它們的關係是如何形成、失衡,對我造成的影響,我又是如何走出接納自己的身體,與之和解的。\n研究者發現,早期因身體缺陷被同儕嘲笑的經驗形塑了我極其負面的身體意象,並習得了以身體為怪罪對象來排解負面情緒的因應方式。在成長過程中,受社會環境的影響,對自己的體型體重特別敏感,對身體制定了嚴苛的標準,造成自我與身體關係的疏離,為症狀提供了生長的空間。在症狀介入與發展之後,我與身體的關係變得更加疏離,我被困於症狀之中迷失了自我。而後由於社會環境的改變、親密關係的浸潤、自我覺察的增加,我重新開始建立與身體的關係,與身體和解,重塑了正向的身體意象,我也因此獲得了身體的力量,不再受困於症狀。
This study is based on the researcher`s life experience, which is a series of processes from the onset of bulimia to vomiting, indulgence, relief of symptoms, relapse, and finally finding oneself and getting rid of bulimia. In addition, this study also explores the reasons for the author`s atypical eating disorder, the relationship between the body and its symptoms, the psychological process of being in the midst of the symptoms, and the power of emerging from the symptoms; the process of changing body images in my life, and the relationship between body images and symptoms.\nThis study uses self-narrative as the research method. The researcher takes the author herself as the object of study and writes about the author`s life experiences, including the early stories of the author and the body, the emergence and development of symptoms, the forces of change in the author, and the process of reconciliation with the body, recreating past scenes, behaviors, emotions, and psychological experiences. Then, this study goes beyond the subjective perspective and re-examines the past experiences in an objective manner to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding, summarizes and analyzes their causes, and sees the author`s fluid relationship with her body imagery and atypical eating disorders, how their relationship was formed, the imbalance, the impact on the author, and how the author came to accept her body and reconcile with it.\nThe author found that her early experience of being ridiculed by her peers for her body defects had shaped her extremely negative body image, and she learned to use her body as an object of blame to cope with her negative emotions. In the process of growing up, under the influence of the social environment, the author was particularly sensitive to her own body size and weight, and set strict standards for her body, resulting in an alienated relationship between herself and her body, which provided space for the symptoms to grow. When the symptoms intervene and develop, the author`s relationship with the body becomes even more distant, and the author becomes trapped in the symptoms and loses himself. Subsequently, due to the changes in the social environment, the immersion of intimacy, and the increase in self-consciousness, the author starts to establish a new relationship with the body again, reconciling with the body and reshaping the positive body image, thus gaining the power of the body and got rid of the symptoms.
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