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題名: 公部門比私部門來的不創新?是刻板印象還是定義不同?
Is the Public Sector Less Innovative than the Private Sector?Is It a Stereotype or Difinition Difference?
作者: 張凱翔
Zhang, Kai-Xiang
貢獻者: 董祥開
Dong, Hsiang-Kai
Zhang, Kai-Xiang
關鍵詞: 公部門創新
innovation of public sector
public servants
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 任何組織都需要在這不斷變化的世界中追求創新,方能保有競爭力,政府也不例外。在公領域中,由於公共問題涉及層面廣泛、利害關係人眾多、議題又相對複雜,要在這樣的環境下創新往往更加困難;再加上社會長期以來對公部門存有偏見,也讓公部門的創新不易被認同與肯定,從新聞或網路社群討論中,都可見大眾不認為公部門是一個積極創新的地方,公務人員也幾乎成為保守的代名詞。\n\n然而政府的創新從未間斷,公務人員所付出的努力也從不比私部門員工來得少,舉凡「公共政策參與網路平台」、「我的E政府」、「自然人憑證愛心服務站」、「立體駝峰標線」等,皆是公部門著名的創新案例。本研究之主要目的即是在於,希望了解民眾對於公部門的創新作為的了解程度為何,以及對創新的認知上是否與公務人員有所不同,最後探討造成此種差異的可能因素。本研究分別使用第五次「台灣文官調查(Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey, TGBS-V)」以及對民眾的問卷調查資料進行分析。\n\n初步研究發現,一般大眾並不一定比公務人員創新,單論意願來講,兩者各有所長。一般大眾普遍不了解也不清楚公部門究竟做出了哪些創新的行為,因此不認為公部門有在為創新努力,且明顯比較偏向外顯的創新,傾向認為能實際「見到、用到」的改變才是創新,較不認為「內部流程的改變」也屬於創新的一種。本研究認為,上述現象可從增進了解著手,政府應該加強政策之溝通與行銷,讓民眾有更多獲取資訊的管道,同時也應適時適度地向民眾說明,流程上的創新是如何造成政策成果上的改善,讓民眾充分知情且對服務結果有感。
Every organization needs to seek innovation in this ever-changing world in order to remain competitive, and the government is no exception. In the public domain, due to the wide range of complex public issues, numerous stakeholders, it is often more difficult to innovate. In addition, society has long had prejudices against the public sector. It also makes it difficult for the innovation of the public sector to be recognized and affirmed. From news or Internet communities, it can be seen that the general public does not think the public sector is innovative, and public servants have almost become synonymous with conservative.\n\nHowever, the government’s innovation has never stopped, such as "Public Policy Participation Network Platform", "My E Government", are all well-known innovation cases of the public sector. The main purpose of this research is to understand the general public`s understanding of public sector innovation, and whether the perception of innovation is different from that of public servants, and finally explore the factors that cause such differences. This research uses the fifth "Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey (TGBS-V)" and the survey data of the public to analyze.\n\nPreliminary studies have found that the general public is not necessarily more innovative than public servants. In terms of willingness alone, both have their own strengths. The general public generally do not understand what the public sector is doing, nor do they know what innovative behaviors the public sector has made. Therefore, they do not think that the public sector is working for innovation, and they are obviously biased towards outward innovation. They tend to think the changes that "saw and used" are innovations, and don`t think that "changes in internal processes" are also a kind of innovation. This study believes that the above phenomenon can be improved from the promotion of understanding. The government should strengthen policy communication and marketing, so that the people have more channels to obtain information. It should also explain to the people how the innovation in the process results in policy results. The improvement on the above, let the public fully know and feel the service results.
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