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題名: 廠商投標意願影響因素之研究—以空軍某單位採購案件為例
A study on factors affecting the bidders’ willingness to bid: the procurement cases of one unit of the Air Force
作者: 劉申瑋
Liu, Shen-Wei
貢獻者: 胡偉民
Hu, Wei-Min
Liu, Shen-Wei
關鍵詞: 政府採購
Ordinary least squares(OLS)
The willingness of bidders
The number of bidders
The procurement of government
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 政府採購是國內最大的消費來源,運作得當則公部門及私部門均獲取所需,然而,其過程中如有產生多次流、廢標情況,不僅消耗政府人力、物力、時間及相關資源,也造成民間廠商困擾。政府採購法自88年正式施行以來,政府採購政策歷經更迭,行政院始於105年推行最有利標,因政策施行前,機關多採最低標決標,故本研究以空軍某單位105年至109年採購案件分析其影響廠商投標意願之因素,以期全面分析影響廠商投標意願之因素。本研究變數取自行政院公共工程委員會政府電子採購網決標公告揭示欄位,被解釋變數為投標家數,解釋變數分為四大類:「固定項」、「機關選擇(招決標相關)」、「機關選擇(履約相關)」及「非控制項」,以普通最小平方法進行被解釋變數與解釋變數實證分析,並根據實證結果提出建議,藉以提供機關訂定採購策略時參考,以提升廠商投標意願,減少流、廢標情況產生,並兼具採購效率及品質。
The procurement of government is the main source of domestic consumption. As the procurement of government operates appropriately, both of the public sector and the private sector can acquire what they need. On the other hand, while an opening of a tender cannot be proceeded or is nullified in the procurement processes, it not only drains on manpower, material resources, and time but also disturbs the private sector. Since the Government Procurement Act was released in 1999, the policy of government procurement was revised several times. The Department of Executive gave impetus to the most advantageous tenders in 2016. Before this policy was implemented, the government agencies intended to adopt the minimum standards. In order to comprehensively analyze the factors of influence of bidders’ willingness, this study was based on the data of procurement cases of one unit of the Air Force of R.O.C from 2016 to 2020. The variables come from the information of the publication of tender awarding of the government e-procurement system of the Public Construction Commission of the Department of Executive. The response variable is the number of bidders. The explanatory variables are categorized into four types: "fixed items", "government agencies’ selections (related to tender opening and awarding)", " government agencies’ selections (related to performance)" and "non-controlling items". The empirical analysis of response variable and explanatory variables are carried out by means of ordinary least squares(OLS). According to the empirical results, this study made suggestions and provided the reference for the government agencies to formulate the procurement strategy to enhance the manufacturer’s willingness to bid, reduce the situation that an opening of a tender cannot be proceeded or is nullified, and generate both efficiency and quality of procurement.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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