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題名: 我國邊境非洲豬瘟防範作為-搜救優選規劃系統之運用
Precaution of African Swine Fever at the border of Taiwan- The application of Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System
作者: 陳建名
貢獻者: 邱坤玄
關鍵詞: 非洲豬瘟
African swine fever (ASF)
Epidemic inspection and quarantine
Border control
Search and rescue optimal planning system (SAROPS)
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 非洲豬瘟於1921年首次於非洲肯亞被發現後,至現今21世紀,仍持續於國際間傳染傳播,各國初期雖採取撲殺政策,並依據聯合國糧農組織及世界動物衛生組織之相關規定,建立區域防疫及檢疫措施與相關機制,使疫情得以控制,惟目前非洲豬瘟尚無藥物可供治療或疫苗抵禦,致所有品種年齡的豬隻一但染病,皆難以倖免,且致死率高達100%,因此,各國需透過多邊或雙邊防疫合作,強化各自防疫、檢疫措施,藉由國際會議及學術交流等方式,提升彼此防疫、檢疫作法並相互學習,以避免非洲豬瘟疫情持續擴散。\n自2018年8月中國大陸傳出非洲豬瘟疫情開始,我國為維護臺灣境內食品安全及疾病防疫威脅,除成立非洲豬瘟中央災害應變中心,訂定相關防疫措施,針對旅客違規攜帶豬肉產品入境調高裁罰金額,並透過各部會兵棋推演或聯合演習等方式,健全生物安全防疫體制,強化邊境管控作為,臺灣海峽為我國與中國大陸間天然屏障,使目前岸際發現海上漂流豬屍均以金門、馬祖地區為主,惟臺灣本島仍不得放鬆警戒,防疫工作,人人有責,配合政令宣導,落實邊境管控,將疫情阻絕於境外,以確保國家整體防疫與任務遂行,有效守護國人健康與消費權益。\n本研究運用搜救優選規劃系統,透過通報陽性非洲豬瘟案例之研析結果,模擬海上豬屍漂流路徑,推測豬隻落海區域提供參考,並建立相關案例資料庫,藉以運用強化相關防疫作為。
Since African swine fever (ASF) was first described in Kenya, Africa, in 1921, it has continued to spread internationally in 21st century. The governments of various countries initially adopted a culling policy and controlled the epidemic. Countries have established regional epidemic inspection and quarantine system according to the recommendations of FAO and OIE. However, there is currently no drug or vaccine available for the treatment of ASF. As a result, pigs of all breeds and ages once they become infected, and the mortality rate is as high as 100%. Therefore, governments need to strengthen their epidemic inspection and quarantine measures through multilateral or bilateral epidemic precaution cooperation. Through international conferences and academic exchanges, countries improve each other`s epidemic inspection and quarantine measures to prevent the spread of ASF epidemic.\nSince the spread of the ASF epidemic in Mainland China in August 2018, Taiwan Government has established the ASF Central Disaster Response Center. To safeguard domestic food safety and prevent epidemic threats, Taiwan has formulated epidemic inspection measures and increase the fine amount for passengers who are violating bring pork products. Each ministry will improve the biosecurity and epidemic precaution system and strengthen border control by tabletop exercise or joint exercises. The Taiwan Strait is a natural barrier between Taiwan and Mainland China. That has led to the discovery that the drifting pig corpses concentrate on the coasts of Kinmen and Matsu Island, but Taiwan Island must still keep vigilance. Everyone is responsible for epidemic prevention. Citizens should cooperate with the policy announcement. The government should implement border control. Keep the epidemic out of the country to ensure the national epidemic precaution system. That will adequately protect the citizens` health and consumers` right.\nIn this study, Search and rescue optimal planning system (SAROPS) was used to simulate the drifting path of pig corpses through a positive ASF case to speculate the area where pigs fell into the sea. We establish a case database to enhance epidemic precaution.
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