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題名: 大學教師兼任學校行政角色衝突與調適
The Role Conflicts and Adaptation for Faculties Who Serve as Administrators in Universities
作者: 楊禧瓊
Yang, Shi-Chiung
貢獻者: 黃東益
Huang, Tong-Huang
關鍵詞: 學校行政
Role conflict
Adjustment process
University administration
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 1-十二月-2020
摘要: 本研究旨在探討大學教師兼任學校行政職務之角色衝突與調適,為深入呈現教師角色的真實經驗故採質性的研究方法,以具備兼任學校行政經歷之教師為研究對象,進行半結構式的深度訪談,再以紮根理論進行資料分析,建構出教師兼任學校行政職務角色衝突與調適歷程,研究結果顯示:大學教師認知自身職責分為教學、研究、服務三個部分。於兼任前的預備期教師主要面臨不同角色間的衝突,並且教師兼任行政職務前多數並無自我準備,上任前甚至未經歷交接程序。於耕耘期大學教師兼任學校行政主要面臨五項角色間衝突與六項角色內衝突,為了調適兼任行政職務的角色衝突,大學教師延伸許多因應方法。值得注意的是大學教師的多重角色背景對於兼任學校行政職務會產生雙向相輔相成的助益情形。於兼任結束後,教師表示不願繼續兼任的原因主要為「健康出問題」、「已服務多年」、「與初衷不符」。\n本研究根據上述研究結果進行討論並提出之研究建議,預備期:1.將「行政經驗」、「已完成升等」列為兼任一級行政主管之基礎條件,以處裡棘手行政事件表現做為評判是否適任之標準;2.強化鼓勵機制;3.加強使用角色間衝突之因應方法;4.培養兼任學校行政之能力。耕耘期:1.落實書面紀錄及非正式管道的師徒制,確保經驗傳承;2.按會議等級限制主管列席人數,並落實責任制;3. E化檢核流程。收成期:評鑑採雙軌制。
This research aims to explore the role conflicts and adaptation from faculties who hold at least one part-time administrative position in universities. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the actual experience of the role from faculties, qualitative research methods are used in the study. The author conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with faculties who has part time administrative experiences in National Cheng-chi University. This study also used grounded theory for data analysis and constructed the role conflict and adjustment process of faculties’ serving administrative duties. The major findings are: the responsibility university faculties recognize could be divided into three parts: education, research, and service. In the preparatory period before taking part-time positions, faculties mainly face with the conflicts between different roles. Most of the faculties do not prepare before taking part-time administrative positions, and they have not even gone through the job handover before taking up their positions. During the cultivation period, university faculties who concurrently serve as administrators mainly face with five inter-role conflicts and six intra-role conflicts. In order to adjust the role conflicts of concurrent administration duties, university faculties have extended many coping methods to deal with the problem. It is worth noting that the multi-role background of university faculties has a mutually complementary and beneficial situation for concurrent administrative duties. After the part-time job ended, the main reasons for the faculties` reluctance to continue the part-time job were "health problems", "have been serving for many years", and "do not match the original intention."\nThis research discusses and puts forward research recommendations based on the above research results in different phase. At the preparation phase:1. List "administrative experience" and "have been promoted" as the basic requirements for being an administrative supervisor concurrently and use the performance of tackling with tricky administrative incidents as a criterion for judging the suitability; 2. Strengthen the incentive mechanism; 3. Enhance the skills for dealing with conflicts among different roles; 4. Cultivate the ability to serve as administrators. At the cultivation phrase: 1. Build up written records and informal channels of apprenticeship to ensure the transfer of experience; 2. Reduce the attendance of supervisors according to the level of the meeting and embody the accountability system; 3. Introduce electronic verification process. At the harvest phrase: implement dual-track evaluation system.
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