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題名: 俄羅斯電子商務市場之探討:以俄國本土電商Wildberries和中國跨境電商Aliexpress為例
Russian E-commerce Market: The Case Studies of Russian Local E-commerce Company Wildberries and Chinese Cross-Border E-commerce Company Aliexpress
作者: 李佳怡
Lee, Jia-Yi
貢獻者: 洪美蘭
Hung, Mei-Lan
Lee, Jia-Yi
關鍵詞: 俄羅斯
Cross Border e-Commerce
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 1-Feb-2021
摘要: 近年來電子商務盛行,在全球化的浪潮之下也掀起龐大商機。然而,身為新興市場與金磚五國之一的俄羅斯,目前在面對網路購物的國內市場尚未飽和。因此,除了本土電商積極發展外,也吸引許多有意拓展俄羅斯市場的跨境電商進入。但是俄國擁有廣大使用俄語卻不習慣用英語的消費人口,以及俄國營商環境與社會文化特殊,跨境電商想要開拓此塊市場有一定的門檻和障礙存在。然而,中國跨境電商不但成功進入俄國市場,甚至中國跨境電商―全球速賣通,還成為俄國跨境電商的領頭羊。因此,本文將主要運用電商七流、PEST分析,同時輔以文化維度理論,綜合解析俄國市場的特殊性與複雜性,再藉由本土電商Wildberries與中國跨境電商全球速賣通的個案比較,探討俄羅斯電子商務市場所需面對的困難與挑戰,並依當前的發展情況瞭解雙方經營績效與競合關係,評估俄羅斯電子商務市場的未來發展前景。研究結果發現,全球速賣通不單純只是克服俄國營商市場環境上的困難,或是單靠便宜與多樣化的商品,所以才成為俄國跨境電商的領頭羊;最重要的是它先進的顧客分析技術與運用,能夠喚起消費者的需求意識,同時彌補俄國本身在輕工業較不發達的市場空缺。而Wildberries雖然在態度上看似沒有積極迎戰,也認為擁有一套自己的商業模式,但是其與全球速賣通仍是共同分食俄羅斯這塊市場,所以本文認為雙方屬於「良性競爭」態勢,此種競爭關係將促進俄羅斯電子商務市場技術日益純熟與服務不斷成長,故俄羅斯電子商務市場未來發展依舊值得關注。
In recent years, e-commerce under the wave of globalization has huge business opportunities. However, Russia, as an emerging market and one of the five BRICs countries, the domestic market for online shopping is not yet saturated. Therefore, except the Russian local e-commerce companies develop actively, many cross-border e-commerce companies are also interested in expanding this market. However, there is a large consumer population who speaks Russian but doesn’t use English in Russia and its business environment and social culture are unique, cross-border e-commerce companies have certain thresholds and obstacles to open up this market. However, Chinese cross-border e-commerce has not only successfully entered the Russian market, even Chinese cross-border e-commerce, Aliexpress, has also become the leader of Russian cross-border e-commerce. Therefore, this article will mainly use seven streams of e-commerce and PEST analysis and supplemented by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, to comprehensively analyze the distinctiveness and complexity of the Russian market. Facing the competition of cross-border e-commerce, this article compares and analyzes the cases of local e-commerce Wildberries and Chinese cross-border e-commerce Aliexpress, to discuss the difficulties and challenges in Russian e-commerce market. Based on the current development situation to understand the business performance of both parties and their coopetition relationship, and finally evaluate the development prospects of Russian e-commerce market. We found that Aliexpress is not simply overcoming the difficulties in the Russian business market environment, or relying solely on cheap and diversified products, so it has become the leader of Russian cross-border e-commerce. The most important thing is its advanced customer analysis technology and application can arouse consumers` awareness of needs, and at the same time fill up market vacancies of Russian less-developed light industry. Also we found that Wildberries’ attitude doesn’t seem to be actively fighting with Aliexpress, this is because Wildberries believes it has its own business model. Nevertheless, it still shares the Russian market with Aliexpress. Therefore, this article believes that Wildberries and Aliexpress are in a “healthy competition”. Under this type of competition will also promote technology and service’s growth of the Russian e-commerce market. So, its development is still attracting much attention.
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