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題名: 零售業會員經濟與管理個案分析探討
A Case Study on Membership Economy and Management of the Retail Industry
作者: 趙亦翎
Chao, I-Ling
貢獻者: 邱奕嘉
關鍵詞: 會員經濟
Membership Economy
Membership Management
Brand Loyalty
User Recommendation
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 1-Feb-2021
摘要: 企業過去投入許多成本爭取客戶,卻往往未能好好經營顧客忠誠度。許多數據顯示善加經營顧客忠誠度的企業,營收成長與股東報酬非常可觀。市場趨近飽和、開發新客人不容易,從國外到台灣的企業也都經營虛擬會員,科技已經改變企業對會員行銷的重視,國外標竿型企業聚焦於顧客,把顧客價值當成一項資產用心地經營,零售業如何鞏固會員並在競爭者中脫穎而出?以會員需求為導向,創造完美的體驗,才能讓會員願意重複購買及推薦,會員經濟持續擴大成長。\n\n本研究以零售業為例,探討會員經濟與零售業管理,試圖回答以下問題:一、零售業虛擬會員人數成長的機制?二、零售業如何經營虛擬會員關係的管理策略?以及如何持續優化體驗?三、零售業建立會員經濟提升會員忠誠度的關鍵因素?透過分析「全家便利商店 APP」、「全聯支付APP」,與「家樂福APP」,驗證本研究提出之架構。架構分為「新客入會」、「鞏固既有用戶」、「優化體驗」、「會員忠誠度」四個部分,結合學者提出的會員經濟觀點與品牌忠誠度等構面,描述建立APP會員管理機制過程。依據分析結果提出研究結論及建議,本研究提出以下結論:\n\n(一) 零售業推廣虛擬會員初期鞏固既有會員,以全員行銷擴散。\n(二) 會員為導向,透過數據推出服務與分級權益,虛實服務整合至APP成為生活服務圈,遊戲化體驗創造持續使用的動機。\n(三) 點數、預售及分批取貨、支付與回饋、電商,貫穿目前零售業APP會員經營的四大主軸。
In the past, enterprises invested a lot in developing new customers, but they often failed to manage customer loyalty. A lot of data shows that enterprises who manage brand loyalty well would have decent revenue growth and shareholder returns.\n\nCurrently, the market is getting saturated and it is not easy to develop new customers. Therefore, companies also develop virtual membership. In the meanwhile, technology has changed companies’ strategy for membership marketing.\n\nForeign benchmarking enterprises focus on customers, and take customer value as an asset. How does the retail industry enhance brand loyalty and stand out from among competitors? Enterprises are supposed to be customer demand-driven and create perfect customer experiences, thereupon members are willing to repurchase and recommend. Membership economy will continue to expand as well.\n\nThis study takes the retail industry as an example, and tries to answer the following questions: 1. How does the retail industry transfer traditional membership to virtual membership? 2. How does the retail industry develop virtual membership management strategies? how to optimize the experience continuously? 3. What are the key factors for building membership economy and increase brand loyalty?\n\nIn order to analyze how companies manage membership economy, this study’s frame could be divided into four parts: ‘new customer enrollment’, ‘consolidating existing membership’, ‘optimizing experience’ and ‘loyalty mechanism’, and then verify it by analyzing ‘FamilyMart APP’, ‘PX Pay’, and ‘Carrefour APP’. This study presents the following conclusions:\n\n1.In the initial stage of the retail industry, enterprises consolidate existing membership, and then spreads through member get member marketing.\n2.Membership service and hierarchical rights could be proceeded through date analysis, and based on this, it should be membership oriented. Online and offline services are integrated into the APP to become the life service circle. In addition, gamification experience creates the motivation.\n3.Points, pre-sale and batch pick-up, payment and bonus, and online shopping run through the APP membership management.
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