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題名: 初級華語聽力教材設計與聽力策略教學之實證研究
An Empirical Study of Designing Chinese Listening Teaching Materials for CFL Elementary Learners and Teaching of Listening Strategies
作者: 吳佳育
Wu, Chia-Yu
貢獻者: 謝佳玲
Hsieh, Chia-Ling
Wu, Chia-Yu
關鍵詞: 華語聽力教材設計
Chinese listening teaching materials and designs
Chinese listening strategies
Teaching Chinese listening
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 2-三月-2021
摘要: 本研究藉由聽力策略的教學,探討其對外籍初級華語學習者聽力的影響,也探究聽力策略教學是否對不同國籍、性別、年齡之外籍生有不同的影響。\n研究者累積二十年教學技巧及經驗,發展出「活用中文自在生活六單元」聽力教材,教材融入5Ws1H教學法,並運用整體信息、關鍵信息、概括總結及記憶儲存四種聽力策略於教學內容及測驗題。\n本研究以北部某大學共253位初級華語學習者為研究對象,進行研究者自創之5Ws1H教學法加以施教,受教者分別為實驗組122人、對照組131人,對照組學生在未進行聽力策略教學下施測,實驗組學生經12小時聽力策略教學後施測,兩組學生皆使用同一套聽力教材進行測驗。另隨機挑選30位實驗組學生進行訪談,最後以學生測驗成績之統計分析及受訪者之回饋加以深入探討。\n本研究主要研究結果如下:\n1.5Ws1H教學法能有效提升初級華語學習者之聽力。\n2.接受5Ws1H教學法之實驗組學生,能運用四種聽力策略提升華語聽力。\n3.國籍、性別與年齡在答題正確率上無顯著差異。\n4.學生可以透過關鍵詞聽懂別人的話,但仍無法在短期內用關鍵詞自行表達所要傳達的意思,是日後5Ws1H教學法可以再精進之處。\n最後,研究者根據本研究結果,對初級華語學習者聽力策略教學法及未來研究提出具體建議,以供參考。
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of different listening strategies that foreign beginner Chinese language learners use. The study also explores whether teaching different listening strategies had different effects on foreign students with respect to different nationalities, genders and ages.\nThe researcher has accumulated more than twenty years of teaching skills and experience. Moreover, the researcher developed the “Six Units of Practical Chinese in Daily Life” listening teaching materials. The teaching materials are integrated into the 5Ws1H teaching method, and four listening strategies, “overall information, summary, key information, storage of memory”.\nIn this study, a total of 253 univerty students from one of the Universities in the northern area were used as the research subjects. The 5Ws1H teaching method created by the researcher was used in the class. There were 122 students in the experimental group and 131 students in the control group. The students in the control group were not taught by listening strategies. Students in the experimental group are tested after 12 extra hours of listening strategy were demonstrated. Both groups of students use the same set of listening materials for the test. In addition, 30 students in the experimental group were randomly selected for interviews. Finally, the statistical analysis of the students` test results and the feedback from the interviews were used for in-depth discussion.\nThe main findings of this study are as follow:\n1.5Ws1H teaching method can effectively improve the listening comprehension of beginner Chinese language learners.\n2. Students in the experimental group who exposed to the 5Ws1H teaching method can use four listening strategies to improve Chinese listening.\n3. Differences of nationalities, genders and ages show no significant correct statistical differences.\n4. Students may understand other people`s words through keywords, but still cannot express themselves with keywords in a short period of time. This is where 5Ws1H method can be improved in the future.\nFinally, based on the results of this research, the researchers put forward specific suggestions on the teaching methods of listening strategies for beginner Chinese language learners and future directions.
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描述: 博士
資料類型: thesis
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