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題名: 台灣高教的過度教育和低度就業-以國立政治大學為例
The over-education and underemployment of the higher education in Taiwan- The case of National Chengchi University
作者: 辜廉甯
Ku, Lian Ning
貢獻者: 劉梅君
Liu, Mei Chun
Ku, Lian Ning
關鍵詞: 過度教育
manpower utilization
job-education mismatch
higher education
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 1-Apr-2014
摘要: 台灣經濟奇蹟指的是快速的工業化和經濟增長在後二十世紀上半葉。由於令人印象深刻的經濟增長,台灣已享有低失業率很長一段時間,但是,隨著技術和全球化的推進,台灣的產業結構已經升級到不同的階段。因此,人才的需求也發生了變化。在過去,教育的投資似乎是積累人力資本的最佳途徑,但是,隨著高等教育的快速擴張,越來越多爭論浮上枱面,如過度教育,低度就業,職業與教育的不匹配和浪費國家資源...等。然而,這樣的判斷是公正,公平的嗎?過度教育和低度就業是一體兩面的; 一些學者只是簡化其因果關係。不過,正如之前提到的,即使是受過高等教育的畢業班找到了一份工作,並不意味著他們是沒有過度教育,而反之亦然。\r\n本文採用的方法是文獻綜述,以及描述性分析。從官方網站獲得的結果進行比較,文獻回顧則提出了大學及以上畢業生人才的利用率低。此外,從目前的低度就業文獻資料與過去相比,我們發現了解決這一問題的關鍵是政府的政策,社會價值觀的轉變和青年自身須意識到他們真正想要的和敢為自己發聲,捍衛自己的權利。最後以政大的個案來呼應目前台灣現象,綜合以上文獻探討與分析結果對研究問題提出結論與建議,以供未來相關研究者參考。
Taiwan Economic Miracle refers to the rapid industrialization and economic growth during the latter half of the twentieth century. Taiwan has enjoyed a low unemployment rate for a long time; however, with the advance of technology and globalization, Taiwan’s industrial structure has been through different stages. Consequently, the demands of talents have changed as well. In the past, education investment seems to be the best way to accumulate human capital; however, with the rapid expansion of higher education, more and more arguments are brought to the table such as over-education, underemployment, and job-education mismatch…etc. However, is it just and fair to make a judgment like this? \r\nOver-education and underemployment are two sides of the same coin; some scholars just simplify its causal relationship. However, as I mentioned before, even the highly-educated found a job, it does not mean they are totally free from over-education and vice versa. \r\nThe methodology I adopt is literature review, and descriptive analysis. Findings obtained from the official website are compared to the literature to propose the picture of the low utilization of graduate manpower. In addition, by comparing the current underemployment with the past, we found out the key to solving this problem is the comprehensiveness and coherence of government policy. The case of NCCU reveals several points which can echo the current Taiwan phenomenon as well.
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