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題名: 同儕教導式重複閱讀法與國中生之英語口頭閱讀流暢度:個案研究過程中的學習機會與挑戰
Peer-Mediated Repeated Reading with EFL Junior High School Students’ Oral Reading Fluency: A Case Study on Affordance and Challenges
作者: 蔡宜薰
Tsai, Yi Hsun
貢獻者: 招靜琪
Chao, Chin Chi
Tsai, Yi Hsun
關鍵詞: 重複閱讀
repeated reading
oral reading fluency
critical event
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 14-Jul-2014
摘要: 重複式閱讀法(repeated reading)最初在英語為母語的國家施行,藉由重複閱讀同一文章方式,達到認字自動化(automaticity),用以提升閱讀的速度與理解度。多項實驗研究顯示,口語流暢度與閱讀能力有高度的正向相關,而重複式閱讀法能有效提升口語流暢度。此研究是為期十二週的同儕教導式閱讀教學法(peer-mediated repeated reading)運用於台灣北部一所國中英語課程中,參與者為二十八名八年級學生。以學校教科書內文章和學校採用的學習補充閱讀內容為學習教材。重複閱讀活動每週兩次,共二十四節活動。 \n此研究採個案研究法,選擇三組學習者作為觀察對象,以深入探討學習者於同儕教導式重複閱讀法中的學習過程,以及觀察探討關鍵事件(critical event)於學習的影響。資料蒐集包含質性資料:(1)課堂觀察記錄,(2)學生學習日誌,(3)四次個人訪談,以及(4)四次文章一分鐘口語閱讀正確字數(correct words read per minute)的量化資料。\n根據三組個案研究得到的結果顯示,於國中英語課堂中實行同儕教導式閱讀教學法,對口語流暢度產生的學習機會為:(1)因累積的練習影響與斷句運用而導致口語速度的增加。(2)口語閱讀準確度的增加。同儕提供的口語錯誤糾正,學習者自身對於正確度的自覺提升,以及自我學習狀態監測對正確度提升有正向影響。(3)因閱讀速度增加的學習成果或指導同儕提高自我信心而提升的英語學習動機。而在運用同儕教導式閱讀教學法於課堂活動,可能遭遇到的挑戰為:(1)同儕無法提供糾正性回饋,導致口語錯誤一再重複。(2)因欲增加口語速度或因重複的過程無聊,而未清楚地唸出英文字彙的發音,隨意帶過。(3)過度依賴同伴提供的立即口語回饋,以及標示的中文注音符號來念出不會的單字。最後,依據本研究結果,針對此三項挑戰提出建議。並基於此研究中同儕教導式重複閱讀法對於口語流暢度產生正向的增進效果和提供的學習機會,建議於國中英語課堂中採用此學習法,有助於增進國中生口語能力。
This study was conducted to determine affordances and challenges pertaining to peer-mediated repeated reading (RR) as a regular classroom activity in junior high schools. Although RR has been widely used in L1 countries as a method to develop oral reading fluency, it has only been studied by Taiwanese researchers in the last decade. However, limited research has been conducted regarding the implementation of RR in junior high school English classrooms. Therefore, this qualitative study was conducted to obtain further understanding of the impact of RR regarding the improvement of oral reading fluency among junior high school students. Changes in oral reading performance among 28 participants from a junior high school in Northern Taiwan were observed over the course of a 12-week peer-mediated RR program; furthermore, the learning processes among all participants, which featured three focused dyads, and the critical events experienced along with the impact of these events, were observed. The collected data included classroom observation notes and videos, students’ learning journals, four interviews, and quantitative oral reading rate data (correct words read per minute). The affordances of this method were determined as follows: (1) oral reading rates increased because of the effect of accumulated practice and more practice with sentence chunking; (2) oral reading accuracy was enhanced because participants were provided corrective feedback and developed a sense of accuracy; furthermore, some high achievers demonstrated an enhanced metacognitive ability; and (3) having a partner motivated the participants to learn and facilitated the development of a sense of self-competence during the RR sessions. The following challenges were also encountered: (1) repeated errors resulted from the lack of corrective feedback from partners, (2) careless oral reading owing to the pursuit of a higher oral reading rate or the boredom arising from repetition, and (3) overreliance on corrective feedback from partners and the use of Mandarin phonetic symbols to read out unknown words. Overall, the findings of this study suggested that the peer-mediated RR method could be effectively applied as a regular classroom activity in junior high schools to enhance the oral reading fluency of students.
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資料類型: thesis
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