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題名: 國中輔導人員對心理師校園駐區服務的需求與滿意度研究
The study of junior high school guidance workers’ needs and satisfaction of school-based mental health services.
作者: 林郁倫
Lin, Yu Lun
貢獻者: 陳婉真
Lin, Yu Lun
關鍵詞: 學校輔導
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 3-Nov-2014
摘要:   台北市教育局於2010年正式設置「台北市學生輔導諮商中心 」, 期望透過心理專業人員的加入,提升中小學輔導工作品質。本研究旨在以質性訪談探究對於學校輔導人員而言,學校輔導工作的困境為何?對於心理師引入校園的期待為何?以及學校輔導系統如何與心理師系統發展跨專業合作模式等議題。並接續建立衡量國中輔導人員對於心理師駐區服務的需求與滿意度之量化工具,進行現況之調查。\n  本研究採質性訪談與問卷調查法。質性研究部分,以目前在國中服務之輔導工作者(包含輔導主任、組長、輔導教師)為研究對象,進行一對一半結構式訪談,共訪談五位。以紮根理論為研究方法,透過逐字稿分析、編碼,將實務工作現場所呈現之資料建構出歸納式結論。量化研究部分,使用自編的「學校輔導人員對心理師駐區服務之需求量表」、「學校輔導人員對心理師駐區服務之滿意度量表」進行研究,以分層抽樣抽取250名國中輔導人員為正式研究對象。所得資料以探索性因素分析、描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方式進行分析。\n\n  本研究結果發現如下:\n\n一、質性訪談發現:(一)學校輔導之主要困境:學生家庭的溝通與介入、授課負擔重及工作熱忱耗竭、系統性困境、校內處室合作與輔導室同仁合作問題。(二)校方對心理師之期待:「證照」帶來的「保證」、「信任感」,甚至具有「月暈效應」和「不可質疑性」;然而心理師效能的關鍵因素並非專業知識或技術,而是「專業風格」,包括:實際處理個案的能力、個人特質、系統整合能力、情境能力。(三)校方與心理師之「合作模式」與「合作關係」:合作模式在角色定位差異的情況下,可分為:專業競爭與精緻分工;合作關係則分為:階級關係─地位與權力不平等、一體關係─平等彼此融入。\n二、自編之「學校輔導人員對心理師駐區服務之需求量表」、「學校輔導人員對心理師駐區服務之滿意度量表」經正式施測後,量表間的同質性佳,累積解釋變異量分別達58.63%、64.99%,有不錯的效標關連效度;需求總量表與滿意度總量表的內部一致性分別為.808、.925。縱論之,本研究自編之需求量表、滿意度量表均在信效度有良好表現,唯一頗佳的測量工具。\n三、現況調查發現,國中輔導人員對於心理師駐區服務的整體需求為中高程度,對於「合作的模式與關係」之需求得分平均數最高。\n四、國中輔導人員對於心理師駐區服務的整體滿意度為普通略偏滿意的程度,其中「場域需求之滿意度」得分平均數最低。\n\n  整體而言,本研究的貢獻在以在位觀點從國中輔導人員之角度出發,並發展「學校輔導人員對心理師駐區服務之需求量表」、「學校輔導人員對心理師駐區服務之滿意度量表」,協助現況調查之量化工具。據研究結果,提出相關之建議,供學校輔導、心理師教育養成及未來相關研究作為參考。
In August 2010, Taipei student counseling center was officially set by the Taipei City Department of Education. With the new teams of counseling psychologists and social workers, the helping system is operated to improve the profession and quality of school guidance networks. The new system, known as the Taipei Student Counseling Center, is still in its infancy and in the phases of conflict between competition and cooperation. However, to build trans-disciplinary professional school guidance resource teamwork is important. What are the school guidance systems’ needs and expects? What are the impacts and challenges brought when psychologists work in the campus environment? How can school guidance systems be integrated with psychologist systems, and how can interdisciplinary cooperation models be developed. These issues are explored in this study. Second, this study was to devolope a quantitative measure to assess school guidance workers’ needs and degree of satisfaction with the school-based mental health services, and to investigate the status.\n  This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 5 guidance workers (including managers and teachers) who work in junior high school in Taipei. All recordings were transcribed, analyzed, and coded. Grounding theory methodology is adopted and to construct the new working model. Then, the study adopted a method of questionnaire survey, and the instruments used in this study were “school guidance workers’ needs of school-based mental health services scale” and “school guidance workers’ satisfaction of school-based mental health services scale ”. The study used the stratified sampling to get the questionnaires, and the population was 250 school guidance workers in Taiwan. The study was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation.\n\n The main findings of this study were as follows:\n\n1. Results are emergent with three major threes through the narrative, that is, the first is the challenges in school guidance, discovering that the current challenges primarily lie in: communication and involvement of students ` families, guidance workers’ overburdened teaching responsibilities that and diminishing motivation, and systematic burdens such as policy advocacy, cooperation with other offices in schools, and other colleagues in guidance work.The second is school’s expectations for psychologist, delving into issues such as that “licenses” bring, including “guarantee” and “trust” and sometimes as far as “Halo effect” and “impressions of being indisputable”. For psychologists to be as effective as guaranteed by their licenses, the key factor is not their professional knowledge or techniques, but rather their professional styles, including clinical performance, personal trait, embodiment knowledge, and situated ability. The third is to explore the model of cooperation and partnership between schools and psychologists. Professional self-orientation differences divide the model of cooperation into: professional competition and specialized division of labor; partnership is divided into: unequal power and rank relations, and equal status relations.\n2. The analysis results exhibited that the “school guidance workers’ needs of school-based mental health services scale” and “school guidance workers’ satisfaction of school-based mental health services scale ” were both internal consistency, good construct validity and criterion-related validity. It also showed the good reliability, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of scales were .808 and .925. In short, the scales were quite good measurements.\n3. The status investigation found that the degree of needs for school-based mental health services was medium to the high. The degree of need for the ”cooperation model and relations” was the highest scoring averages.\n4. School guidance workers’ degree of satisfaction for school-based mental health services was ordinary bit more satisfaction, And “satisfaction of field needs” is the average minimum.\n\n Based on the above findings, the researchers proposed suggestions and point out the future study agenda about the school-based mental health services and people working in the field of counseling guidance.\n\nKeywords: school guidance; school-based mental health services; interdisciplinary collaboration; professional style; qualitative study
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