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題名: 關廠工人抗爭之集體行動分析---以聯福自救會為例
The Analysis of the collective actions from the protesting fraudulent bankrupts workers: Lien-Fu textile factory for instance
作者: 林冠廷
Lin, Guan Ting
貢獻者: 孫善豪
Sun, Shan Hao
Lin, Guan Ting
關鍵詞: 關廠
fraudulent bankrupts
Lien-Fu textile factory
collective actions
日期: 2014
上傳時間: 1-Apr-2015
摘要: 民國85年到87年間,全國各地的工廠爆發惡性關廠風潮,以聯福紡織自救會為首的多家關廠失業工人聚集起來,組成「全國關廠工人連線」向政府抗議,隨後得到政府承諾以貸款方式處理,使抗爭暫時落幕,民國101年起勞委會開始向工人追討債務,花費大筆資金聘請律師向工人們提告,關廠失業工人依循正當管道求助無門,情勢所逼下逐步拉高抗爭強度,「關廠歇業失業勞工促進就業貸款」的爭議最終由勞工獲得勝訴,為工運抗爭活動寫下新頁。其中,自救會的運作、資源掌握、抗爭手段,皆為影響抗爭成敗的關鍵因素。本研究以Olson的集體行動邏輯理論為主,其他學者對Olson理論的補充為輔,探討集體行動邏輯理論套用在聯福自救會上有何異同。研究發現:搭便車者現象並不顯著;團體大小會影響抗爭成效,「小團體的聯盟」打破了這個限制;成本考量與參與動機是個人心理因素,可能因時空背景不同而成為參與抗爭的阻力;強制規範或誘因、組織工作者的努力是維繫集體行動運作的助力;而關於公共財的討論,參與抗爭行動的成員多以自利的考量出發,訴求爭取「私有財」,並不全然如Mason所說集體行動以提供公共財為目標,因此自救會運作的邏輯在傳統團體理論上,仍有一定的適用力。同時,抗爭作為一集體行動,聯福自救會的案例有其成功與困境,未來在工人運動上可作為其他團體參考的對象。
Among 1996 to 1998, the upsurge of fraudulent bankrupts had burst out nation-\nwidely. Hence, unemployed workers, mainly stemmed from Lien-Fu textile factory, integrated into the so-called National Unemployed Workers Front, protested against government, and won the promises that all of them could get compensative loan that is no need to return. However, CLA started to demand repayment of them since 2002, made them under accusations by employing attorneys. They could do nothing but fight against government. Finally, they won the lawsuit. \nThis study is mainly based on the logic of collective action from Olson’s, and \nthe footnotes from other scholars as auxiliaries, probing the adaptability of those theories in this case. \nAccording to the research, I found that the event of free-rider is not conspicuous in this case. The size of group may have influences upon the results. Nevertheless, the unions of small groups break the restrictions. Cost considerations and participating motives are the psychological factors, it may become a hinder of participation depend on different spaces and times. Obligate norms, selective incentives and the endeavor of organizers are the benefit factors that maintaining the collective actions. Public goods in this case, however, is not necessarily to equal to Mason’s argument. Thus, traditional group theory applied to this study when it comes to private goods.\nMeanwhile, as a collective action, this case has two strands include its success and dilemma. These discussions may become the reference materials for other organizations or labor movements in the future.
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資料類型: thesis
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