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題名: 2005年香港反全球化示威之媒體再現:以台灣《中國時報》、香港《東方日報》為例
Media Representation of 2005 Hong Kong anti-globalization Protest : Case Studies on China Times & Oriental Daily News
作者: 蔡維鴻
Tsai, Eddie
貢獻者: 彭芸
關鍵詞: 反全球化
social movement
media representation
news frame
discourse analysis
日期: 2007
上傳時間: 6-May-2016
摘要: 1990年代後期,以新自由主義(neoliberalism)為基調的全球化論述漸成為主流的經濟發展理論。然而,隨著新自由主義式全球化不斷推進,世界卻日益分化、貧富差距日益嚴重。因此,反全球化浪潮逐漸在全球各地迅速蔓延。\r\n\r\n 本研究由2005年香港反全球化示威出發,採用批判論述分析方法,以《中國時報》與《東方日報》為例,由低層次至高層次針對文本、論述實踐與社會文化實踐進行分析,藉以探究台港兩地主流報紙如何再現此一事件。\r\n文本分析將焦點置於兩報在語言層次上如何再現反全球化運動。研究結果發現,兩報共出現六種意識型態機制再現反全球化運動。除強化反全球化運動既定的刻板印象外,亦透過負面指謂與描繪將反全球化運動邊緣化於主流價值之外。總體來說,《東方日報》對反全球化運動之誤現不論是在數量上抑或程度上皆遠高於《中國時報》。\r\n\r\n 藉由論述實踐分析,將得以揭露隱匿於文本背後之框架與其意識型態歸屬。研究發現,反全球化人士於《中國時報》較常成為論述主角,其意見較得被完整呈現;《東方日報》則傾向突顯官方論述與發言。對於衝突事件,《中國時報》與《東方日報》兩報各自建構「民主人權」與「法律秩序」作為其召喚我群的共識假定。而在全球化爭議的論述形構上,《中國時報》文本的論述實踐運作呈現出「全球正義與民主框架」以及「傾保護政策框架」;《東方日報》文本的論述實踐運作則呈現「傾自由貿易框架」。\r\n\r\n 社會文化實踐分析旨在將文本置於社會文化脈絡中解讀,耙梳兩報論述實踐運作之社會文化意涵。本研究認為,肇因於兩地在政經脈絡發展以及媒體本身立場上的差異,《東方日報》論述實踐偏向常規式的社會性建構,有助於再製並維繫既存的新自由主義論述秩序;《中國時報》論述實踐則偏向創造式的社會性建構,有助於轉變既存的新自由主義論述秩序。
In the post-90s era, neoliberal globalization theories framed the mainstream philosophies of economic development. This progression however, was no solution to augmenting economic, social and political differences in the world and the widening gap between the deprived and wealthy. In fact, it might have sown the seeds for the waves of anti-globalization movements that ensued.\r\n \r\n This study exams the anti-globalization protest that broke out in Hong Kong during 2005 and, using the China Times and Oriental Daily News coverage as case studies, takes a bottom-up analysis approach at examining how the mainstream media in Taiwan and Hong Kong each represented the event.\r\n\r\n Textual analysis on the two media’s coverage drew attention to six different ideological mechanisms in their representation approaches. In addition to reinforcing the negative stereotypical connotations of anti-globalization, the movement is also further marginalized through the use of negative descriptivism and labels. On the whole, the frequency and magnitude of misrepresentation of the anti-globalization movement made by the Oriental Daily News is far greater than the China Times.\r\n\r\n Analysis of discourse practice unveils the hidden frames and ideology behind the text. Grievances of anti-globalization protestors are voiced by China Times, while authoritarian monologues frequent on the Oriental Daily News. In conflicting circumstances, the China Times appeals to a sense of “democracy and human rights”, while the Oriental Daily News calls on “law and order” as their slogans to assemble we-group consensus. In their discursive formation on the globalization issue, the China Times outlines global justice & democracy and protective policy frames; the Oriental Daily News on the other hand endorses pro-liberal trade frames.\r\n\r\n Analysis of sociocultural practice interprets the text within context of the social and cultural backgrounds. To sum up, due to differences in political and economic developments in Taiwan and Hong Kong and respective media predispositions, the Oriental Daily News discourse has a conventional socially constitutive function that maintains and reproduces the neoliberal orders of discourse; the China Times discourse has a creative socially constitutive function that endeavors to transform existing neoliberal regimes.
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