
Showing 1-16 of 16
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2020-07 祖靈是祖先的靈魂嗎?一個比較觀點上的考察--以漢人祖先祭祀和泰雅族rutux信仰為主要參照點--紀念張光直先生 article 說明頁(96)
2019-12 An Investigation into why Buddhism mixed with Hinduism in Southeast Asia—Indonesia as an Example article pdf(207)
2019-12 占婆文化與泛靈主義──古代東南亞印度化之反思。 article pdf(203)
2017-09 The Advent of Hinduism from the Perspective of the Unfolding of Īśvara article 說明頁(745)
2017-03 The Body and the Trial: Problems of Ordeal in Hindu Dharmaśāstras. article 說明頁(689)
2016-09 菩薩與救度-從觀自在思想之興起看佛教與印度教之互動 article pdf(285)
2013.03 梵語成為印度佛教經典語嚴之探討 article pdf(985)
2012-06 梵行為何必要 -- 論佛教興起時代之宗教倫理思想 article pdf(969)
2011-06 從伺火到護摩:東亞秘密佛教中火祠之變 article pdf(842)
2008-10 Jainism and Buddhism in interaction- What does\"nigaṇṭho cātu-yāma-saṃvara-saṃvuto hoti\" mean? article pdf(1553)
2007-12 How to deal with Aboriginal culture──Ancient Champa as an Example article pdf(3527)
2007-09 初期佛教梵行思想之研究 article pdf(6462)
2006-06 Envisaging india--A Essay on Zimmer, Eliade and Dumont article pdf(1545)
2005-06 Maitreya: From World-Renouncer to World-Conqueror . An Investigation on the Conception of Sacred Order in Ancient India and Confucian China article
2005-06 從王權觀的轉化看斯里蘭卡佛教史詩與僧伽羅意識之形塑 article
2003-06 印度宗教社群主義之反思:以穆斯林和印度教徒之間的關係為例 article
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