
Showing 1-25 of 60
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
1997 高中生閱讀兩難故事的工作記憶因果推論歷程研究 article pdf(452)
2017-10 Identifying effective e-teaching and general mathematical teaching profiles to predict student mathematical cognition and affect by latent profile analysis article pdf(359)
2012.02 融合質性與量化研究法以深化兒童數學學習情緒的研究 article pdf(3066)
2021-02 繪本融入國小數學四則運算單元補救教學之行動研究 article pdf(214)
2022-12 父母引導孩子解題的認知與情意調節歷程:以數學題目中有男、女主角為例 article 說明頁(106)
2009.11 從劍橋反思台灣高等教育 article pdf(406)
2022-12 學業學習的情意發展:存於生物生態歷程系統之中 article 說明頁(85)
2009.04 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(TIMSS)之「脈絡-歷程-結果」分析--以2003年數學成就為例 article pdf(517)
2022-12 國民教育階段自學經驗之回顧:自我統整的流轉 article 說明頁(97)
1997 國中學生生活適應的研究—語句完成測驗結果之分析與應用 article 說明頁(633)
2016-07 Using demographics to predict mathematics achievement development and academic ability and job income expectations article pdf(230)
2022-08 Transcend socioeconomic status constraints to mathematics and science achievement by collaborative problem-solving: The female people-smartness hypothesis article 說明頁(127)
2022-12 國民教育階段自學經驗之回顧:自我統整的流轉 article 說明頁(97)
2022-10 The interplay of affect and cognition in the mathematics grounding activity: Forming an affective teaching model article 說明頁(98)
2012.02 The internal/external frame of reference model, big-fish-little-pond effect, and combined model for mathematics and science article pdf(1075)
2016-12 The Challenge of Learning Physics Before Mathematics: A Case Study of Curriculum Change in Taiwan article pdf(402)
2013.04 Tensions in implementing the `energy-conservation/carbon-reduction` policy in Taiwanese culture article pdf(1298)
2011.03 Taiwanese Teachers’ Implementation of a New ‘Constructivist Mathematics Curriculum’: How Cognitive and Affective Issues are Addressed article pdf(887)
2014-09 Student constructs of mathematical problems: Problem types, achievement and gender article pdf(1087)
2006-07 Routine and novel mathematical solutions: central-cognitive or peripheral-affective participation in mathematics learning article
2017-11 Repeated field teaching: preservice teachers’ changes in teaching efficacy and theories of mathematics teaching article pdf(304)
2014-11 Public constructs of energy values and behaviors in implementing Taiwan’s ‘energy-conservation/carbon-reduction’ declarations article pdf(1189)
2023-11 Process indicators for grading group essays: Learning analytics of assessment data and online behaviour article 說明頁(76)
2004 Patterns of children’s emotional responses to mathematical problem-solving article pdf(757)
2022-06 Online mathematics education as bio-eco-techno process: bibliometric analysis using co-authorship and bibliographic couplin article 說明頁(153)