
Showing 1-25 of 25
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-09 The Application of ‘Work Capacity’ and ‘Fictitious Income’ in Social Assistance Act in Taiwan conference pdf(33)
2023-04 The Development and Issues of Social Assistance Policies in Taiwan conference pdf(37)
2023-04 The Problems and Issues in Family Maintenance Litigation Resulting from the Interaction between Social Assistance and Legal System in Taiwan conference pdf(44)
2022-10 Public attitude towards government financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan article 說明頁(124)
2022-07 Public Attitude towards Economic Relief Programme in the Covid-19 Pandemic conference
2022-06 To Sue or Not to Sue? The Dilemma of Family Maintenance Litigation Caused by the Social Assistance System in Taiwan conference 說明頁(100)
2022-05 Factors related to children’s screen use: the influence of parent–child interaction and parents’ working time schedules in Greater Taipei article 說明頁(81)
2022-03 The association between family routines and parents` different working hour schedules article 說明頁(84)
2021-12 父母工時型態與親子互動頻率之相關性 article pdf(197)
2021-09 台灣幼兒家庭照顧給付政策的實施經驗與反思 book 說明頁(139)
2021-06 探究促進原住民族少年正向發展的互動模式:運用正向少年發展論點 article 說明頁(39)
2019-12 家庭就業型態與子女教養方式之相關性:大臺北地區國小學童家庭的資料分析 conference pdf(101)
2018-06 臺灣企業實施托育設施與措施之影響因素:比較資本主義的觀點 article pdf(246)
2017-12 身心障礙兒童之保障 book/chapter 說明頁(501)
2017-09 由國際比較觀點檢視我國的幼兒照顧休假政策 article 說明頁(513)
2017-09 Reviewing Child-related Leave Policies in Taiwan from the Perspective of International Comparison article 說明頁(414)
2016-01 Reconciling Work and Family in Taiwan: Problems and Policies. book/chapter 說明頁(736)
2015-03 國際推動社會發展指標調查與應用之現況 article pdf(373)
2014-05 Stability with Change: Work-Family Balance Policies in Taiwan. book/chapter 說明頁(716)
2014.01 Difficulties in Work-Family Reconciliation in Taiwan book/chapter 說明頁(2063)
2014.01 The Social Risk of Low Fertility in Taiwan book/chapter 說明頁(1437)
2014 親屬托育補助政策之意涵與影響 report pdf(654)
2012.09 The Social Risk of Low Fertility in Taiwan article pdf(898)
2012.06 The Transformation of Leave Policies for Work- Family Balance in Taiwan article 說明頁(1214)
2011.08 歐洲社會風險的轉變與福利制度的調整 book/chapter 說明頁(955)
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