All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Theses)

Showing 10226-10250 of 10499
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024 A Comparative Study of the Mechanisms for Fixing Minimum Wages 劉芸卉、Liu, Yun-Hui thesis pdf(0)
2024 The study of overseas Chinese students’ willingness to stay in Taiwan and related policies 吳佳恩、Wu, Chia-En thesis pdf(1)
2024 A Study of Female Politicians and News Media Coverage: The Media Representation of the Male Gaze or Co-Benefit? 王柏雅、Wang, Bo-Ya thesis pdf(0)
2024 A study on the mutual recovery process between social worker and persons with intellectual disability 羅培倫、Luo, Pei-Lun thesis pdf(0)
2024 Optimal Environmental Taxes in Vertical Markets: Integrated versus Non-integrated Markets 林皇志、Lin, Huang-Chih thesis pdf(1)
2024 Differences between Appraisers' Value Adjustments and Market Cognition: A Case Study of Urban Renewal 孔為亮、Kung, Wei-Liang thesis pdf(0)
2024 Land Use Plan and Control in the Indigenous Areas of the Shimen Reservoir Catchments 簡毓宣Limuy•Asian、Chien, Yu-Hsuan thesis pdf(0)
2024 An Evaluation of the MOE’s Youth Career Counseling Program: The Perspective of Street-level Workers in Universities 何懿玲、Ho, Yi-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction on The Government Agencies Turnover Intention of Public Servants From Different Generation 林中聖、Lin, Sen-Chung thesis pdf(0)
2014 The Determinants of the Technology Acquisition for Foreign Enterprises in Taiwan 林筠家、Lin, Yun-Chia thesis pdf(0)
2024 A Comparative Study on In-Service Education of Junior Rank Civil Service and Teachers in the Public Senior High Level and Below Schools 黃毓婕、Huang, Yu-Chieh thesis pdf(0)
2024 Reutilization of Elderly Manpower in the Community: A Case Study of Plahan 俞聖姿、Yu, Sheng-Tzu thesis pdf(0)
2024 Cross-Network Collaboration: Repairing the Social Safety Nets - A Case Study of Taoyuan City 朱慧容、Chu, Hui-Jung thesis pdf(0)
2024 A Study on Employment Challenges for People with Visual Impairments 顏慈慧、Yen, Tzu-Hui thesis pdf(0)
2024 Leading with More Than Just Heart! A Study on the Relationship between Spiritual Leadership, Career Calling, and Organizational Embeddedness: A Case Study of the Military Cyber and Electronic Warfare Units 胡哲源、Hu, Che-Yuan thesis pdf(0)
2024 Examining the Influence of Salary Increase and Job Stress on the Retention of Military Police Soldiers Stationed in Taipei City 江宗霖、Chiang, Tsung-Lin thesis pdf(0)
2024 Analysis of The Institutional Operation and Labor Rights of Publicly Funded Councilors' Assistants : An Example of Taipei City Council 王致一、Wang, Chih-Yi thesis pdf(0)
2024 A Study on Job Satisfaction and Retention Intention of National Military Recruiters: A Case Study of Recruiters in the Northern Region 陳靖凌、Chen, Ching-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2024 Research on the Personnel Promotion System of Military Officers in the Armed Forces from the Perspective of Equity Theory 吳政杰、Wu, Jen-Jye thesis pdf(0)
2024 Examination or Recruitment? A Study on The Manpower Recruitment Approach and Person-Job Fitness in The Public Sector 張雅菁、Chang, Ya-Ching thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Effect of Government Digitization in Host Countries on Attracting Taiwan Foreign Direct Investment 鄧翔元、Teng, Hsiang-Yuan thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Digital Transformation Process of Keelung City Council under the COVID-19 Pandemic-The Case Study of Establishing Video Conference 賴羿伶、Lai, Yi-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2024 Exploring the Information Content of Large Transactions of Net Buys/Sells from Foreign Institutional Investors — Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market 黃秋玲、Huang, Chiu-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of The Ratio of Female Police Officers on Violent Crime Rates in Taiwan's Counties and Cities YENN-RU CHEN、Chen, Yen-Ju thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Study of Implementation Difficulties and Marketing Strategies for the Environmental Friendly Natural Burial Policy In New Taipei City 高秋芳、Gao, Ciou-Fang thesis pdf(0)