All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Theses)

Showing 10426-10450 of 10499
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024 Does the Expansion of Higher Education Aggravate Social Mobility in Taiwan? --Horizontal and Vertical Differences 王瑋秀、Wang, Wei-Xiou thesis pdf(0)
2024 Measuring Technological Innovation in the Automotive Industry Using Patent Novelty Indicators 羅佳真、Lo, Chia-Chen thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impacts of the Carbon Tax and Revenue Recycling Policy on Vulnerable Households 許毓庭、Hsu, Yu-Ting thesis pdf(1)
2024 Market Competition and GHG Emission Policies: Thinking in Systems and Networks 范誠修、Fan, Cheng-Hsiu thesis pdf(0)
2024 Sources of Wage Inequality in Taiwan: Decomposition of Between- and Within-Firm Wage Inequality 陳褘銘、Chen, Huei-Ming thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of National Natural Resource Endowments on Renewable Energy Development and Patent Novelty: A Case Study of European Countries 陳品穎、Chen, Pin-Ying thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Study of Spillover Effects of Stock Markets among Countries 石佳煌、SHIH, CHIA-HUANG thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Convertible Bond Issuance Methods on the Target Stock Price 鄧皓仁、Deng, Hao-Ren thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Chinese Import Competition on Markups and Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing Firms 王炯麟、Wang, Chiung-Lin thesis pdf(0)
2024 Social Mobility and Higher Education Inequality: Class Monopoly or Ability Compensation 吳沂霖、Wu, Yi-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2024 Underground Economy and Economic Growth of Taiwan:The ARDL Approach 陳柏臻、Chen, Po-Chen thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Study of the Dutch Disease Phenomenon in Taiwan 吳育齊、Wu, Yu-Chi thesis pdf(1)
2024 The Study of Basel Capital Accord and Liquidity Risk 劉康旭、Liu, Kang-Hsu thesis pdf(4)
2024 Effects of Government Policy on the Labor Market: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Analysis 陳俐安、Chen, Li-An thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Discretion of Policy Efficiency and Equity: A Case Study of Decarbonizing Transportation 陳樹儒、Chen, Shu-Ju thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Fiscal Impact of City-County Mergers on Local Governments in Taiwan 黃婷萱 thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Local Government Elections on Tax Revenue Forecast in Taiwan 曾庭琳、Tzeng, Ting-Lin thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Different Subsidy Policies on Electronic Payments in Taiwan: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Analysis 林之舫、Lin, Chih-Fang thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Political Factors on Tourism in Taiwan 林立恩、Lin, Li-En thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact of Owner-occupied Housing Preferential Tax Rates on Taiwan’s Housing Market 湯子萱、Tang, Tzu-Hsuan thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Impact Of The UBA College Basketball Recruiting Class On Game Results 蔡昇哲、Tsai, Sheng-Che thesis pdf(0)
2024 Fractured Power, Fractured Peace? Examining the Reverberations of Partisan Rifts on Political Violence in Mexico 莫喬丹、Murillo, Jordan Adrian thesis pdf(0)
2024 Impact of the International Monetary Fund Programs on the Greenhouse Gases Emissions: An Application of Instrumental Variable Approach 謝明君、Quan, Ta Minh thesis pdf(0)
2024 Exploring Kinship and Identity in Step Families 陳韻筑、Chen, Yun-Ju thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Moral Court in the Virtual Society: The Emergence, Operation, and Effect of Cyber Public Trials 陳昀楨、Chen, Yun-Chen thesis pdf(0)