All Of Publications(Limit:Theses、2000-2009)

Showing 426-450 of 12684
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004 中國匯率制度引發之國際經貿爭議研究 CHEN, YI-CHEN CHEN thesis web page(469)
2004 Product Line and Brand Management: The Implication of Taiwanese Motorcycle Manufacturers 李佳陵 thesis web page(483)
2004 外匯波動對企業策略與經濟風險影響之研究-以台灣為例 吳彥臻、Wu,Jenny Yen-Chen thesis web page(432)
2004 品牌識別系統與品牌形象之研究---以研華科技為例 李幸宜 thesis web page(277)
2005 台灣國際品牌與通路之購併分析 林慧君 thesis web page(309)
2005 懷舊訴求餐廳消費者特質與行為之研究─以台灣故事館為例 林雨潔 thesis web page(772)
2007 陸商併購其融資策略之選擇 黃國銘 thesis web page(312)
2008 The optimal contrarian strategy in Taiwan stock market 林韋民 thesis web page(243)
2004 專利侵權訴訟機制之再建構--審前程序的檢討與改革 陳昱奉、Chen, Harris Y. thesis web page(617)
2004 The Research of Experimental Use Exception on Patent Law and Pharmaceutical Affairs Act -Especially in Pharmaceutical Industry 孫小萍、Sun, Hsiao-ping thesis web page(554)
2004 探討文化創意產業智慧資本之建構、管理與保護-以工藝產業為例 孫建崴、Sun, Chien-Wei thesis web page(671)
2003 The Study on Legal Issues of Value-added Applications for Digital Archiving 尚安雅 thesis web page(727)
2006 The study of international investment strategies of Transitional Corporations Case Study:Communication industry R&D centers in China 高逢誠、Vincent, Feng Cheng Kao thesis web page(606)
2008 The Tax Benefits Derived from Enterprise’s Intellectual Property in Doing Cross-boarding Transitions 邱國晉 thesis web page(102)
2008 A Study on Designing University License Agreement 翁千惠 thesis web page(824)
2007 How to Create the Value in the Biopharmaceutical Industry? Case Study of APEX, NEXMED, and BURRILL&COMPANY. 林群倫、Lin, Chun Lun thesis web page(724)
2007 A Legal analysis of IP transactions under the income tax system 李容嘉、Li, Jung Chia thesis web page(621)
2008 Patent Trolls and Responding Strategies for Industries 黃紫旻 thesis web page(530)
2007 The Research of applying knowledge management to increase intellectual capital: an illustration of notebook companies’ ID center 賀楚芬、Ho, Chu Fen thesis web page(810)
2006 境外控股公司上市之研究 劉怡成 thesis web page(714)
2006 跨國專利侵權訴訟之管理 陳郁婷、Chen,Yu-Ting thesis web page(628)
2008 A Study on the damages award of the patent infringement 楊晉佳、Yang, Chin Chia thesis web page(541)
2006 Intellectual Property Marketing - Focus on Patent Marketing 張佳瑜、Chang, Chia-Yu thesis web page(752)
2007 The Business model of intellectual property management in automotive industrythe management strategy in upgrading the traditianl industry, utilizing alloy wheel industry as case study 黃翊珽 thesis web page(716)
2008 從生技新藥產業觀點探討大學之智慧財產管理 江雅鈴、Chiang, Ya Lin thesis web page(611)