All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1-25 of 898
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 Turkiye Turkcesinde Orta Hece Dusmesi; 土耳其語之中間音節脫落現象 曾蘭雅 book/chapter
2005 手指土耳其 Kizlier Serap book/chapter
2002 中文與土耳其文會話指南 Kizlier Serap book/chapter
1997 土耳其文實習讀本(一) 彭世綱 book/chapter
1992 土耳其文習作 彭世綱 book/chapter
2012.10 Perceptions and Cultural Identity of Taiwan Exchange Students in Germany from the 1980s to the Present 蔡莫妮、Tsai, Monika Leipelt book/chapter 說明頁(1535)
2012.10 墨西哥的新自由主義經濟政策:加入北美自由貿易協定之觀察 石雅如 book/chapter 說明頁(1267)
2001-01 A Primer on How to Write a Special Erotic Hypnosis Letter: Using Posthypnotic Triggers to Increase Erotic Response to Hypnosis Letters and Emails 羅狼仁 book/chapter
1997-04 多層折疊的書信—《捕諜人》 胡錦媛 book/chapter 說明頁(643)
1996-03 主體、女性書寫與陰性書寫--七、八十年代女詩人的作品 胡錦媛 book/chapter 說明頁(833)
2001 Toward an understanding of sense of community and meaningful learning experiences in an on-line language education course. 招靜琪Chao, Chin-chi book/chapter 說明頁(1414)
2001 經典 vs. 通俗:文化、歷史與狄更斯研究 陳超明Chen, Chao-ming book/chapter 說明頁(985)
2007 The Metrical Structure of Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes: A Corpus Study 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau E. book/chapter 說明頁(1700)
2008 漢語中的語法功能及動詞分類 One-Soon Her book/chapter
1999 超頻英漢速檢頁 One-Soon Her book/chapter
1998 Lexijet: Quick English-Chinese Reference One-Soon Her book/chapter
1997 Interaction and Variation in the Chinese VO Construction One-Soon Her book/chapter
1997 三民精解英漢辭典 One-Soon Her book/chapter
1995 三民新英漢辭典 One-Soon Her book/chapter
1991 Grammatical Functions and Verb Subcategorization in Mandarin Chinese One-Soon Her book/chapter
2009 Optimality-theoretic Lexical Mapping Theory: A case study of locative inversion One-Soon Her book/chapter
2008 Optimality-theoretic Lexical Mapping Theory: A case study of locative inversion One-Soon Her book/chapter
1999 新編大一阿拉伯語會話 利傳田 book/chapter
2008 初學阿拉伯文法 利傳田 book/chapter
1997 空中阿拉伯語一 利傳田 book/chapter