All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 151-175 of 278
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-06 從中國看德國(中德對照),上中下冊, 湯紹成 book/chapter 說明頁(692)
2016 Innovations in Candidate Selection Methods 俞振華、Yu, Eric Chen-hua、Shoji, Kaori、Batto, Nathan book/chapter 說明頁(953)
2016-04 Innovations in Candidate Selection Methods 俞振華、Yu, Eric Chen-hua、Shoji, Kaori、Batto, Nathan book/chapter 說明頁(1127)
2016-05 Partisanship and Public Opinion 俞振華、Yu, Eric Chen-hua book/chapter 說明頁(1036)
2006-12 Presidential Elections in Taiwan: Democratization, Governance, and Security 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(870)
2000 亞太區域安全合作與兩岸關係:資訊時代帶來的啟示 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(677)
2000 我國參與亞太區域合作策略:經濟安全面向 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(601)
2004 Building Cooperation Across the Taiwan Straits 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(796)
2014-01 美國「重返亞洲」後的南海情勢:對爭端管理途徑之意涵 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(570)
2014-10 亞太安全秩序的區域多邊途徑:衝突預防概念與實踐 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(772)
2015-12 東協的南海戰略:從能力建構到能力平衡的機會與挑 戰 楊昊 book/chapter 說明頁(925)
2014 Prioritizing National Interests in the South China Sea: Policy Continuities and Changes in Key ASEAN Countries 楊昊 book/chapter 說明頁(861)
2008-01 India in East Asia Geo-economics 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(1000)
2004 Defense Cooperation and Security in East Asia: a North-South Contrast 李瓊莉Lee, Chyungly book/chapter 說明頁(794)
2016 The Ma-Xi Summit and Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: Implications for Taiwan-India Cooperation 甘逸驊 book/chapter 說明頁(1110)
2015-12 東亞區域經濟整合與韓中FTA挑戰 陳德昇、王悅媛、呂冠頤、杜巧霞、李淳、徐遵慈、莊芮、陸建人、譚瑾瑜 book/chapter 說明頁(681)
2015-09 2013年南海地區形勢評估報告 劉復國、吳士存 book/chapter 說明頁(1137)
2016-01 South China Sea Lawfare: Legal Perspectives and International Responses to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Case 劉復國 book/chapter 說明頁(887)
2015-12 走在平衡索上的日本: 2000年後日本兩岸政策的持續與轉變. 黃偉修、蔡增家 book/chapter 說明頁(724)
2015-08 The US Pivot to Asia: Taiwan’s security challenges and responses 劉復國 book/chapter 說明頁(1000)
2016-03 Maritime security and the Indo-Pacific security link: the strategic reorientation of India and Taiwan 劉復國 book/chapter 說明頁(956)
2016-09 台灣選舉研究:記錄民主化的軌跡 俞振華、余家炘 book/chapter 說明頁(890)
2016-09 調查研究倫理 游清鑫鄭夙芬 book/chapter 說明頁(896)
2015 規則優勢下的亞太區域經貿整合 = Tuning up Asia Pacific Regional Economic Integration 吳玲君 book/chapter 說明頁(593)
2015 上一堂最好玩的日本學 : 政大超人氣通識課"從漫畫看日本" 蔡增家 book/chapter 說明頁(548)