All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1726-1750 of 1913
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-03 中歐投資協定對雙邊經濟的影響與對台灣的啟示 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi book/chapter pdf(297)
2020.05 疫情擴大化對全球產業供應鏈的影響 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi book/chapter pdf(237)
2020.01 美中貿易戰下2020年經濟展望與台灣的機會 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi book/chapter pdf(217)
2018.02 美國稅改對台灣企業投資佈局的影響 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi book/chapter pdf(193)
2017-11 數位時代台灣高階人才的發展政策 莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi book/chapter 說明頁(251)
2010.04 Evaluating the Impact of E-Government on Citizens: a Cost-benefit Analysis 黃東益Huang, Tong-yi book/chapter 說明頁(257)
2020 選舉公投採用電子投票行不行 黃東益Huang, Tong-yi book/chapter 說明頁(246)
2020 蘇花改路段私有土地取得決策過程分析-權變的觀點 黃東益Huang, Tong-yi book/chapter 說明頁(193)
2021.04 2019年香港反送中運動對台灣網路輿情的影響 黃紀、Huang, Chi  book/chapter
2021 Public Policy Preferences Revealed in Referendum Voting: The Case of Taiwan 黃紀、Huang, Chi 、Kuo, Tzu-ching、郭子靖 book/chapter 說明頁(250)
2021.04 政黨偏好與經濟評估:2016 vs. 2020 黃紀、Huang, Chi  book/chapter
2021-10 The Rough-and-Tumble of Taiwan’s Pension Reform in the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen, 2016-2020 董祥開、Dong, Hsiang-kai、Chen, Don-yun、Chen, Chung-an、Liao, Zhoupeng book/chapter 說明頁(333)
2021.03 銀髮世代的勞動挑戰--兼評中高齡者及高齡者就業促進法 劉梅君Liu, Mei-Chun book/chapter 說明頁(324)
2021.01 二十世紀蒙古獨立建國的三件大事 藍美華Lan, Mei-hua book/chapter 說明頁(373)
2021.03 COVID-19 in Taiwan: Some crucial experiences for fighting the pandemic 蘇偉業So, Wai-Yip Bennis book/chapter 說明頁(314)
2019-06 台灣工業用地發展課題 鄭安廷 book/chapter 說明頁(141)
2021-04 The Politics of Waste Management in Greater China Environmental Governance and Public Participation in Transition 王慧敏、Wai-Man-Wong book 說明頁(213)
2020-07 政府數位轉型:一本必讀的入門書 朱斌妤Chu, Pin-Yu陳敦源Chen, Don-yun蕭乃沂Hsiao, Naiyi黃東益、tung-yi-huang、廖洲棚、曾憲立 book 說明頁(307)
2020-06 Managing food waste, Improving food safety? The case of gutter oil in China 王慧敏、Wai-Man-Wong book/chapter 說明頁(209)
2019-06 Possibilities for environmental governance in China? Anti-incinerator activists turned participants in municipal waste management in Guangzhou 王慧敏、Wai-Man-Wong book/chapter 說明頁(233)
2022-04 Science in Air Pollution Politics: School Allocation and Regulatory Control Disputes on SNCC, Taiwan 杜文苓、TU, WEN-LING book/chapter 說明頁(279)
2021-04 Engaged Research reveals the Grey Areas in Climate Justice 吳考甯、Work, Courtney、Scheidel, Arnim、Theilade, Ida、Sothea, Sen、Song, Danik book/chapter 說明頁(255)
2020-04 Representations of Sufi Genealogy and Their Socio-Cultural Interaction in Modern Northwest China 張中復Chang, Chung-fu book/chapter pdf(167)
2021-04 土地法研究(三) 陳立夫Chen, Li-Fu book 說明頁(169)
2021-09 土地法釋義(一)【增修三版】 陳立夫Chen, Li-Fu book 說明頁(562)