All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1876-1900 of 1947
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-06 何謂資料治理? PIN-YU CHU、李洛維 book/chapter web page(201)
2020-07 看不見的幕後英雄:淺談資料治理 PIN-YU CHU book/chapter web page(144)
2023-05 地政教育與學術發展 TZU-CHIN LIN book/chapter web page(118)
2022-12 Active Democracy: How Political Activists and Ordinary Citizens Support Democracy in Taiwan NACHMAN LEV、Nachman, Lev、Kim, Hannah June book/chapter web page(200)
2023-12 Vaccine Policy and Presidential Approval Ratings CHI HUANGERIC CHEN-HUA YUCHI HUANGERIC CHEN-HUA YU book/chapter web page(142)
2023-07 異地安身:台灣的東南亞田野故事 YA-NING KAO book web page(110)
2023-07 Language Ideology TZU KAI LIU book/chapter
2023-07 Habitability on Mars VAN GASSELT STEPHAN、van Gasselt, Stephan、Airo, Alessandro、Hauber, Ernst book/chapter web page(114)
2023-07 Chronostratigraphy VAN GASSELT STEPHAN、van Gasselt, Stephan、Neukum, Gerhard book/chapter web page(107)
2023-05 不動產登記法之法律課題 LI-FU CHEN book/chapter
2023-05 國土計畫與都市計畫 TSUNG-YU LAI book/chapter
2022-04 自由主義式帝國主義作為提升人類文明的政治工程:彌爾的國際政治思想及其當代意涵 HAO YEH book/chapter web page(94)
2018-12 Isaiah Berlin : Russian-British social and political theorist, philosopher and historian of ideas HAO YEH book web page(77)
2023-06 當代拉丁美洲人文與社會科學巨擘 YEN-PIN SU book
2023-06 政治學大師吉葉爾莫.歐唐奈(Guillermo O'Donnell) YEN-PIN SU、徐靖淳、蔡維廷 book/chapter web page(185)
2018-09 论不动产登记主义下之登记连续性 CHIH-YIN LEE book/chapter
2018-12 比雅楠部落種小米時期歲時祭儀中的性別關係 YI-SHIUAN CHEN book/chapter web page(96)
2023-10 新學林分科六法:土地法規(二十三版) LI-FU CHEN book web page(269)
2023-05 從區域計畫到國土計畫 HSIU-HSIUNG TAI book/chapter
2022-09 流離之書:跨界移動紀事 金其琪 book web page(87)
2022-09 行政法修訂八版 KUO-JUNG CHUANG book web page(111)
2023-10 AI人工智慧圖像辨識應用 YANG-WEN CHEN book web page(76)
2023-11 威權的跨境流動與消長:中國因素、雙重政商關係與臺灣媒體自我審查 JAW-NIAN HUANG book/chapter web page(92)
2021-08 Decision economics : minds, machines, and their society SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、Bucciarelli, Edgardo、Corchado, Juan M.、Javier, Parra D. book web page(81)
2024-03 The reshaping of the Chinese party-state under Xi Jinping’s rule: A strong state led by a political strongman CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(125)