All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1901-1925 of 1965
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-03 Controlling the cadres: Dual elite recruitment logic and political manipulation under Xi Jinping CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU、Tsai, Wen-Hsuan book/chapter web page(198)
2024-03 勞動 MEI-CHUN LIU book/chapter web page(195)
2023-11 全球南方發展:第三波區域主義、農糧體系與糧食主權運動 YI-CHUN LIN book/chapter web page(120)
2024-02 Taiwan’s Diplomatic Instruments and Challenges in Its Relations with China-Aligned Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean FABRICIO ANTONIO FONSECA FERNANDEZYEN-PIN SU、Fonseca, Fabricio A.、YEN-PIN SU book/chapter web page(139)
2023-12 從與鄰關係看現代蒙古的生存之道 MEI-HUA LAN book/chapter web page(174)
2021-12 台灣原住民族人口分布、傳統部落、遷徙、及部落基礎資料庫 JI-PING LIN book
2021-12 臺灣的語言接觸及語言轉移 JI-PING LIN book/chapter web page(135)
2024-06 臺灣人口遷徙與區域發展變遷 JI-PING LIN、彭士芬、黃佳媛 book/chapter
2024-06 國際遷移與移民政策 JI-PING LIN、黃佳媛、彭士芬 book/chapter
2024-06 Comparing the governance of the pandemic between vaccine-free and free vaccine strategies: thick governmentality in Taiwan TZUNG-WEN CHEN、Chen, zung-Wen book/chapter web page(199)web page(207)
2022-10 From Political Democratization to the Claim for Social Justice WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG book/chapter web page(135)
2023-12 Gender and politics WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG book/chapter web page(130)
2021-11 Will Facebook encourage citizen participation? The case of Taiwan legislators’ Facebook strategies PIN-YU CHUPIN-YU CHU、Tseng, Hsien-Lee、Chen, Yu-Jui book/chapter web page(118)
2013-02 無名的造神者:熱貢唐卡藝人研究 NAI-HUA CHEN book web page(80)
2019-01 Praxis-oriented research for the building of grounded transnational marriage migrant movements in Asia HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(120)
2018-10 解構新自由主義全球化下的「第五大族群─新住民」論述 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter web page(92)
2016-10 資本主義全球化與跨國移民/工現象 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter web page(106)
2024-04 烏克蘭衝突的演變與挑戰:新的俄羅斯及道路選擇 ZHU-CHENG ZHAO book/chapter web page(110)
2024-06 《阿穆爾河》導讀 MEI-HUA LAN book/chapter web page(128)
2009-01 「外籍新娘」現象之媒體建構 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter web page(57)
2015-01 Action research with marginalized immigrants’ coming to voice: twenty years of social movement support in taiwan and still going HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(125)
2015-12 Reproduction Crisis, Illegality, and Migrant Women under Capitalist Globalization: the Case of Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(97)
2016-10 Rethinking multiculturalism from a trans-east-Asian perspective HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(110)
2010-04 The Making of a Transnational Grassroots Migrant Movement: A Case Study of Hong Kong’s Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(101)
2016-10 The making of multiculturalistic subjectivity: the case of marriage migrants’ empowerment in Taiwan HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan book/chapter web page(94)