All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books、2000-2009)

Showing 726-750 of 1935
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008.03 法國對亞洲及兩岸的政策 TAI-LIN CHANGTAI-LIN CHANG book/chapter web page(1058)
2008.09 Modernisation ou occidentalisation: la notion de la democratie en Chine 1895-1911 TAI-LIN CHANGTAI-LIN CHANG book/chapter web page(1461)
2000.01 政黨的結盟與重組:法國經驗 TAI-LIN CHANGYUNG-CHIN SUTAI-LIN CHANG book/chapter web page(1189)
2008.05 Ehemalige NS-Zwangsarbeiter als Einwanderer in England nach 1945 陶克思、Thonfeld, Christoph book/chapter pdf(1626)
2008.01 The International Forced Labourers Documentation Project – Preliminary Results 陶克思、Thonfeld, Christoph book/chapter web page(1373)
2005.11 Parodia, humor y critica de Eduardo Mendoza: Cronica de un detective sin nombre CHUNG-YING YANGCHUNG-YING YANG book/chapter web page(1369)
2009 Überlegungen zu Lehrzielen und Lehrstrategien eines deutschsprachigen Literaturunterrichts auf Taiwan MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAIMONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI book/chapter web page(1360)
2007.12 發展中的『人類安全』概念及其在歐盟非法移民問題上之適用 CHIEN-YI LUCHIEN-YI LU book/chapter web page(876)
2006.06 歐洲聯盟制憲過程及其意義 CHIEN-YI LUCHIEN-YI LU book/chapter web page(965)
2009 The American dream in African American, Asian American, and Hispanic American drama : August Wilson, Frank Chin, and Luis Valdez TSUI-FEN JIANGTSUI-FEN JIANG book/chapter web page(1995)
2001.09 Topic Chain and Grounding in Chinese Discourse KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai book/chapter web page(1215)
2002.12 Categorization of gestures in communication KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai book/chapter web page(1719)
2000 愛爾蘭之文壇祭酒:框架內外的葉慈 LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(1226)
2004 台灣地區英美文學研究之評量:二十世紀英國文學研究(英國篇) LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter pdf(1704)
2006 How WebQuests Send Technology to the Background: Scaffolding EFL Teacher Professional Development in CALL CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO book/chapter web page(1551)
2007 Theory and research in language learning strategy CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO book/chapter web page(1069)
2007 New emphases of assessment in the language learning classroom CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO book/chapter web page(1371)
2007 Toward an understanding of computer-mediated EFL writing experience through Vygotskian perspectives CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO book/chapter web page(1520)
2006 An Ontology-based Exploration of Knowledge Systems for Metaphor SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG book/chapter web page(1577)
2002 英國國會委員會之地位與角色 WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG book/chapter web page(960)
2003.01 台灣與美國國會委員會:結構功能比較 WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG book/chapter web page(1073)
2000 選舉預測之研究:一九九七年台南縣市長選舉之分析 YIH-YAN CHENYU-TING CHENG、蔡孟熹、YIH-YAN CHEN book/chapter web page(801)
2005 Public attitudes to corruption in Taiwan Ching-hsin Yu、I-chou Liu、I-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(1309)
2002 加拿大複決法令彙編 I-CHOU LIULU-HUEI CHENI-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(923)
2002 愛爾蘭公民複決法 I-CHOU LIULU-HUEI CHENI-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(1127)