All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books、2000-2009)

Showing 1076-1100 of 1935
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008-09 高科技發展之環境風險與公民參與 WEN-LING TUWEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(1233)
2000 China`s Private Enterprises at the Close of the 1990s: Their Growth and Legal Protection WAI-YIP SOWAI-YIP SO book/chapter web page(1847)
2004 State-Business Interaction in IT Sector WAI-YIP SOWAI-YIP SO book/chapter web page(1387)
2006 Privatisation WAI-YIP SOWAI-YIP SO book/chapter web page(1611)
2006 高科技產業與環境政策的挑戰 WEN-LING TUWEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(1120)
2008 應否停止補助高科技產業? WEN-LING TUWEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(1020)
2008 政府應否開放高科技產業西進? WEN-LING TUWEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(936)
2006 Section Introduction: Electronic Waste and Extended Producer Responsibility WEN-LING TUWEN-LING TUWEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(1313)
2006 Breaking the Silicon Silence: Giving Voice to Health and Environmental Impacts within Taiwan’s Hsinchu Science Park WEN-LING TU、Chiu, Hua-mei、WEN-LING TUWEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(2047)
2000 Exploration of Outcome Feedback for Dynamic Decision Making NAIYI HSIAO book/chapter web page(1498)
2002 化民意為施政知識:智慧型政府必備的能力 NAIYI HSIAO book/chapter web page(1081)
2001 動態政策環境的決策輔助:一個電腦模擬的實驗研究 NAIYI HSIAO book/chapter web page(917)
2002 現行資源回收政策下高雄市拾荒老人問題之研究 PIN-YU CHU、何文光 book/chapter web page(1184)
2003 全球好萊塢 CHIEN-SAN FENG、Feng, Chien-San book/chapter web page(909)
2009 新聞與數字 MINE-PING SUNMINE-PING SUN book/chapter web page(996)
2009 新聞雜誌寫作 MINE-PING SUNMINE-PING SUN book/chapter web page(884)
2005-06 青少年家庭錄影機使用及其休閒生活之研究 MINE-PING SUNMINE-PING SUN book/chapter web page(1208)
2005-06 蘋果日報對台灣主流報業的影響 MINE-PING SUNMINE-PING SUN book/chapter web page(1030)
2003 重省現代人的健康風險管理 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(875)
2005-06 健康傳播研究在台灣 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(1055)
2005-06 愛滋病與媒體 – 與愛滋病研究的再生緣 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(970)
2008 醫師人員培育整合研議案 張苙雲、姚克明、丁志音、MEI-LING HSU、Chang, Ly-Yun、Yao, Ke-Ming、Ting, Chih-Yin book/chapter web page(1019)
2002-08 Reform and Perspectives on Social Insurancee: Lessons from the East and West: A Comparative Study of Social Insurance in China, EU, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA MING-CHENG KUO book/chapter web page(1554)
2006 政府採購電子化之效率評估:以高雄市政府為例 PIN-YU CHU、李鳳梧、林岳嶙、游珊華 book/chapter web page(1028)
2002-08 獨立機關的合憲性與建制原則 KUO-JUNG CHUANG book/chapter web page(940)