
Showing 4376-4400 of 8241
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2014-05 Stability with Change: Work-Family Balance Policies in Taiwan. 蔡培元Tsai, Pei-Yuen book/chapter 說明頁(764)
2016-01 Reconciling Work and Family in Taiwan: Problems and Policies. 蔡培元Tsai, Pei-Yuen book/chapter 說明頁(774)
2015-12 專利間接侵權責任:美國法與台灣法比較觀點之對照 鄭菀瓊、詹喨嵎 book/chapter 說明頁(455)
2015-08 The US Pivot to Asia: Taiwan’s security challenges and responses 劉復國 book/chapter 說明頁(1028)
2016-03 Maritime security and the Indo-Pacific security link: the strategic reorientation of India and Taiwan 劉復國 book/chapter 說明頁(986)
2011-09 Asia, Animals and Apocalypse: The Narcotic Tour of Emily Dickinson and Thomas De Quincey. 許立欣 book/chapter 說明頁(714)
2014-06 Friendship and Altruistic Concern in Aristotle and Mencius 何淑靜 book/chapter 說明頁(892)
2013-12 〈移植扶貧經驗: 檢視中國大陸對非洲援助的策略演變〉 劉曉鵬 book/chapter 說明頁(563)
2011 〈日本視角下的釣魚台主權歸屬〉 劉曉鵬、劉志強 book/chapter 說明頁(466)
2010 〈從南海各方行為宣言形同虛設之原因論析南沙群島主權爭議〉 劉曉鵬、陳愉雯 book/chapter 說明頁(723)
2014-07 “The End of Debate? 2013 Little India Riot and Singapore’s Experiences in Asian Values” 劉曉鵬 book/chapter 說明頁(730)
2011-12 以GIS地圖去解析彛族的民族構成 黃季平 book/chapter 說明頁(708)
2015 Big data in communication studies: A systematic review 林翠絹、Chiang, Y.、Lin, T. T. C. book/chapter 說明頁(1173)
2016 How to use big data in communication research methods 林翠絹、Chiang, Y.、Lin, T. T. C. book/chapter 說明頁(856)
2012 Multi-skilling as a solution? Changing workflow and journalistic practise and the implications for international news 林翠絹、Lin, T. T. C. book/chapter 說明頁(983)
2016-09 台灣選舉研究:記錄民主化的軌跡 俞振華、余家炘 book/chapter 說明頁(917)
2016-09 調查研究倫理 游清鑫鄭夙芬 book/chapter 說明頁(915)
2011-06 創意投資-台灣與韓國文創產業人才與環境研究 郭秋雯吳靜吉 book/chapter 說明頁(839)
2016-05 Composite Big Data Modeling for Security Analytics 胡毓忠Hu, Yuh-Jong、Wu, Win-Nan、Liu, Wen-Yu book/chapter 說明頁(941)
2016-06 鹿樂 – 偏鄉不遠 劉吉軒、陳奕竹、李亦鵬 book/chapter 說明頁(921)
2016 Developing the cloud services adoption strategy for the National Palace Museum 張欣綠Chang, Hsin-Lu、Wang, Kai book/chapter 說明頁(792)
2015-12 為釜?為薪?--汪精衛的生死抉擇 邵銘煌 book/chapter 說明頁(726)
2015-12 探問汪精衛最後的心情 邵銘煌 book/chapter 說明頁(559)
2015 Şîrîn Beyânî, Moğol Dönemi İran`ında Kadın 穆思齊Uyar, Mustafa book/chapter 說明頁(1002)
2016 Tabakât-ı Nâsırî (Moğol İstilasına Dair Kayıtlar) 穆思齊Uyar, Mustafa book/chapter 說明頁(1040)