
Showing 6101-6125 of 8241
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2018-09 顧門中的勵耘弟子──牟潤孫經史之學的面向及其所反映的師承關係 車行健Che, hsing-Chien book/chapter 說明頁(44)
2018-09 古籍訓詁二則 林宏明Lin, Hung-ming book/chapter 說明頁(26)
2018-12 在烽火中迎向藍天-王藍《藍與黑》的家國情懷 張堂錡Chang, Tang-chi book/chapter 說明頁(41)
2016-12 情感現象學與色彩政治學:中唐詩歌白色抒情系譜的數位人文研究 鄭文惠Cheng, Wen-huei劉昭麟、Liu, Chao-lin、邱偉雲、Chiu, Wei-yun、許筑婷、Hsu, Chu-ting book 說明頁(539)
2017-06 考《史》以證《左》――羅倬漢與《史記十二諸侯年表考證》 車行健Che, hsing-Chien book/chapter 說明頁(61)
2018-12 以朱反朱――朱熹《詩經》前後論說與明清學者反對朱子《詩》義觀的幾種方式 車行健Che, hsing-Chien book/chapter 說明頁(43)
2019-06 現代國際法參考文件(修訂二版) 陳純一、丘宏達 book
2013-05 Re-constructing Cultural Heritage, Imagining Wa Primitiveness: State-Promoted Ethnic Tourism and the Self/Other Divide in the China/Myanmar Borderlands 劉子愷、Liu, Tzu-kai book 說明頁(393)
2018-09 海牙國際私法會議2018年民商事判決承認執行公約草案評析 許耀明Hsu, Yao-Ming book
2009-12 建立目標與個人計劃 宋麗玉Song, Li-yu book 說明頁(344)
2009-12 優勢觀點社會工作概論 宋麗玉Song, Li-yu book 說明頁(418)
2009-12 優點評量 宋麗玉Song, Li-yu book 說明頁(462)
2009-12 獲取資源 宋麗玉Song, Li-yu book 說明頁(371)
2019-01 Church, Capitalism and Democracy in Post-Ecological Societies: A Chinese Christian Perspective 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian book 說明頁(472)
2017-07 Religion and Nationalism in Chinese Societies 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian book 說明頁(443)
2018-08 Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity: Localization and Globalization 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian、Chou, Fu-chu、Iap, Sian-chin book 說明頁(424)
2018-12 改變形像:中國基督教本土與全球發展 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian、周復初、張證豪 book 說明頁(398)
2019-04 華人宗教與國族主義 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian、謝世維* book 說明頁(497)
2017-12 Introduction: Religion, State, and Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian book
2018-08 Ninety-Nine Theses of Chinese Christianity: Restoration and Adaptation 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian book
2018-08 中國基督教九十九條論綱 郭承天、Kuo*, Cheng-tian book 說明頁(297)
2019-08 Different Immigrants, Same Attitudes? Making Sense of the Association Between Two Immigrant Groups 黃紀Huang, Chi、Tsai*, Tsung-han、Tsai, Chia-hung article pdf(338)
2017 Emotions, Community, Citizenship: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives 錢宜群、Chien, Yi-Chun、Kingston, Rebecca、Banerjee, Kiran、McKee, James、Vassiliou, Constantine Christos book
2018 Not all in the same family: Diverging approaches to family policy in East Asia 錢宜群、Peng, Ito、Chien, Yi-Chun book
2018-08 Humour in the Arts: New Perspectives, co-edit with Vivienne Westbrook 趙順良Chao, Shun-liangWestbrook, Vivienne book