All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 3076-3100 of 8368
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-12 有線電視訂戶之滿意度 YU-LI LIU、李秀珠、CHING-HO CHENYU-LI LIU、Li, Shu-Chu、CHING-HO CHEN book/chapter web page(1002)
2005-12 荷蘭、大陸與台灣之數位有線電視發展模式 YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(872)
2008 Broadband Policy, Market Competition, and User Adoption in Taiwan YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(1873)
2010 Media Platform Competition: The Displacement Effect of IPTV on Cable TV in Taiwan YU-LI LIUWEN-YI HSUYU-LI LIU、Hsu, Wen-Yee book/chapter web page(1509)
2014-07 Business Strategies of Converged Services YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(1631)
2014-07 歐美電訊傳播政策與法規的研究與發展趨勢 YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(1165)
2014 敘事傳播–後設理論思路與研究架構之初擬 YEAN TSAIKUO-JEN TSANGYEAN TSAI、Tsang, Kuo-Jen book/chapter web page(1246)
2007-03 This isn``t real! Spatialized narration and (in)visible special effects in Double Vision RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(1400)
2007-04 解構《阮玲玉》 RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(909)
2011-05 新台灣電影中的台北:影像中的台北觀點與非台北觀點 RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(900)
2011-07 二十年後重看《悲情城市》:聲音、影像、時間、空間 RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(1295)
2005-12 台灣電影族群圖像 RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(968)
1993 台灣新電影的歷史文化經驗 RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book web page(872)
2007-03 Cinema Taiwan: Politics, popularity and state of the arts RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(1494)
1995 電影帝國 : 另一種注視 ; 電影文化研究 RU-SHOU CHENRU-SHOU CHEN book/chapter web page(1083)
1986 The Washington-Moscow-Peking Triangle: An Analysis BIH-JAW LIN、Lin, Bih-jaw book/chapter web page(1410)
1992-01 Taipei`s search for a New Foreign Policy Approach BIH-JAW LIN、Lin, Bih-jaw book/chapter web page(990)
1987-01 The SDI and the security interest of the Republic of China BIH-JAW LIN、Lin, Bih-jaw book/chapter web page(1124)
2008-01 影響兩岸關係的國際因素 BIH-JAW LIN、Lin, Bih-jaw book/chapter web page(742)
2013 國際法上結束敵對狀態的實踐和規範 CHUN-I CHENCHUN-I CHEN book/chapter web page(870)
1984 Washington-Peking Relations, 1979-1983: The Arguments and Reality Reexamined BIH-JAW LIN、Lin, Bih-jaw book/chapter web page(1366)
2001-01 「總論」,2001年台灣安全展望白皮書 BIH-JAW LIN、Lin, Bih-jaw book/chapter web page(965)
2014-12 「統類」為美:晚清民國的荀學論述與人類學觀念 CHIH-HUANG CHOU book/chapter pdf(834)
2013-12 俄羅斯遠東地區發展政策與俄日領土爭議關聯性研究 HONG-YI LIEN、黃建豪 book/chapter pdf(521)
2014-12 A Re-examination of the Relationship between the Awakening of Faith and Dilun School Thought, Focusing on the Works of Huiyuan Keng, Ching、耿晴 book/chapter pdf(639)