All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 3276-3300 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 兒童與電視:「芝麻街」的經驗 勒瑟、SHANG-REN KWAN、Lesser, Gerald S.、SHANG-REN KWAN book/chapter web page(1042)
1996 大眾傳播史 : 大眾傳播史八十四年班報告總集 SHANG-REN KWANSHANG-REN KWAN book/chapter web page(914)
1996 新媒體經營策略:新電臺、有線電視、網路媒體 SHERMAN H. HWANG、楊志弘、SHANG-REN KWANSHERMAN H. HWANG、Yang, Chih-Hung、SHANG-REN KWAN book/chapter web page(922)
2004-07 國際反恐與亞太情勢﹝主編﹞ REN-RANG CHYOUREN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter web page(538)
2003-06 亞太綜合安全年報 KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter web page(777)
2001 Confidence and Security Buliding between the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People`s Republic of China after the Cold War KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter web page(1130)
2001-06 The Association of South East Asian Nations Confidence and Security Building with the Peoples Republic of China: Internal constraints and policy implications KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter pdf(683)
2012-03 In Pursuit of Gradual Stabilization and Peace Dividends: Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations and Their Influence on the Asia Pacific KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter pdf(457)
2001-11 美洲國家組織倡導代議民主之機制及其發展 REN-RANG CHYOUREN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter web page(527)
2003-06 菲律賓摩洛分離主義運動在國際反恐情勢下之發展困境 REN-RANG CHYOUREN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter web page(650)
2004-07 美國與菲律賓反恐策略聯盟之成型與發展 REN-RANG CHYOUREN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter web page(515)
2005-07 從博鰲亞洲論壇看菲律賓與中共雙邊關係之發展 REN-RANG CHYOUREN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter web page(603)
2007 拉丁美洲區域經濟整合與區域貿易協定:兼論台灣之因應策略 REN-RANG CHYOUREN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter web page(557)
2006 資訊科技與模擬國際談判 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANGCHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG book/chapter web page(676)
2008-03 中國與歐盟關係-現在與未來 CHIA-HSIUNG CHIANGCHIA-HSIUNG CHIANG book/chapter web page(799)
2002-04 Introduction: Conflict Management between the Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter web page(1165)
2002 2002-2003年亞太形勢發展與展望 KWEI-BO HUANG book/chapter web page(1790)
2008-05 Reflections on Conflict Management and Third-party Mediation in East Asia KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter pdf(976)
2006 Recent Developments and Implications of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area KWEI-BO HUANG、張子超、Huang, Kwei-Bo、Cheow, Chu-Teo book/chapter web page(1056)
2011 Toward an Autonomous-Agents Inspired Economic Analysis SHU-HENG CHEN、Yu, Tina、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(691)
1995-03 心理與教育統計學 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book/chapter web page(779)
2005-01 心理與教育統計學(增訂二版) MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book/chapter web page(788)
1997 教育測驗與評量:成就測驗與教學評量 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book/chapter web page(665)
2002 教育測驗與評量:成就測驗與教學評量(第二版) MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book/chapter web page(787)
2006-02 潛在變項模式:SIMPLIS的應用 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book/chapter web page(751)