All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 3376-3400 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006 謙卑.敢行與參化 TSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(647)
2007 Globalization and hybridization in cultural production: a tale of two films GEORGETTE WANG、葉月瑜、GEORGETTE WANG、Yeh, Yueh-Yu book/chapter web page(1316)
1986 Information Revolution in Taiwan: Economic Concerns and Beyond GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(1126)
2001 Restrictions on Foreign Ownership and National Sovereignty: Whose Issue Is It GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(936)
2000 Introduction GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(1061)
2000 Local and National Cultural Industries: Is There Life After Globalization? GEORGETTE WANG、劉駿州、Ku, Ling-ling、GEORGETTE WANG、Liu, Chun-Chou、Ku, Ling-ling book/chapter web page(1323)
1998 Deregulating Telecommunication Services in Greater China GEORGETTE WANGPAI-LIN CHEN、劉駿州、GEORGETTE WANGPAI-LIN CHEN、Liu, Chun-Chou book/chapter web page(1306)
1997 Communication Ethics in a Changing Chinese Society: The Case of Taiwan GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(1101)
2000 Toward an Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Bargaining Strategies in Double Auction Markets with Genetic Programming SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(395)
1997 Modeling Speculators with Genetic Programming SHU-HENG CHEN、Yeh, Chia-Hsuan、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(393)
2015-04 China and Taiwan Economic Cooperation YAO-MING HSU book/chapter pdf(950)
2015-01 社會法與經濟社會變遷 MING-CHENG KUOHUNG-YANG LIN book/chapter pdf(794)
2015-01 社會法的概念、範疇與體系 林谷燕、邵惠玲、郝鳳鳴、MING-CHENG KUO、蔡茂寅 book/chapter pdf(1481)
2015-01 社會法與社會安全制度之發展 MING-CHENG KUOHUNG-YANG LIN book/chapter pdf(676)
2015-08 Sacred, Secular, and Neo-sacred Governments in China and Taiwan CHENG-TIAN KUO book/chapter pdf(946)
2014-09 歐洲聯盟推動建構多元文化主義的發展與挑戰:兼論法國實施禁戴伊斯蘭面紗之比較和借鏡 TAI-LIN CHANG book/chapter pdf(1801)
2008 「藝術˙技術與冷漠的神」述評 TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(554)
2002 人權教育—權利與責任的學習 TSAO-LIN FONG、蔣興儀、簡瑞容、TSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(682)
2003 教育哲學專論-主體, 情性與創化(再版) TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(575)
2004 21世紀人權教育(上、下) TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(2079)
2000 教育哲學專論-主體, 情性與創化 TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(693)
2010.09 曖昧.謙卑與參化-新世紀之世界觀教育 TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(631)
1998 克里希納穆題觀點-開展自由無欲的愛 TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(711)
2012 Taiwan`s economic security: Confronting the dual trends of globalization and governance CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1137)
1995 Teacher``s experiencing and reflecting on curriculum integration as an approach to teacher change. YI-YING HUANGYI-YING HUANG book/chapter web page(924)