All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 4126-4150 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-01 區域經貿整合下的台灣挑戰與機會 CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(821)
2007-04 身分與戰略:文化研究進入國家安全研究的方法論 CHIUNG-CHIU HUANG、石之瑜 book/chapter web page(658)
2015 Who benefits from Taiwan’s Mass Higher Education CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(986)
2016 Chinese Education Models in a Global Age CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(855)
2015-06 A Simple Approach for Monitoring Process Mean and Variance Simultaneously SU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANG、Arnold, BC book/chapter web page(761)
2016-01 Transforming a Traditional Organization: A Model and Challenges RUA-HUAN TSAIHTZU-SHIAN HAN book/chapter web page(880)
2015 First Language Acquisition of Discourse and Pragmatics CHIUNG-CHIH HUANG book/chapter web page(1161)
2013-02 Chief, God, or National Hero? Representing Nong Zhigao in Chinese Ethnic Minority Society YA-NING KAOYA-NING KAO book/chapter pdf(993)
2015-12 到他者的學習之路——原住民教育課程的行動實踐與反思 YA-PING WANG book/chapter pdf(698)
2014 The SSCI Syndrome: A local or global phenomenon (高教中的 SSCI 症候群: 地區或全球現象) CHUING CHOU book/chapter pdf(760)
2016 Chinese Education Models in a Global Age: Myth or Reality? CHUING CHOUCHUING CHOU book/chapter pdf(1110)pdf(222)
2015-08 石化空污管制困境與社區行動科學的啟發 WEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(808)
2015-12 《台日韓女性文學:一場創作與發展的旅程》 PEI-CHEN WUMAL-SOON CHOITA-WEI CHI book/chapter web page(1041)
2015-12 日本戰後文學與女性書寫 PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(917)
2015-12 〈明治「敗者」史觀與殖民地台灣:以北白川宮征台論述為中心〉 PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(1085)
2015-12 戰後台灣人權發展史 HUA-YUAN HSUEH、蘇瑞鏘、HSIU-CHIN YANG book/chapter web page(970)
2014-12 族語保存與教育 SIU-THEH LIMTAI-YUAN LI book/chapter web page(730)
2011-07 耕地三七五減租政策之過去與未來 SHIH-JUNG HSU book/chapter web page(551)
2016-03 民法親屬編-理論與實務 HWEI-SYIN CHEN book/chapter web page(773)
2016 Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond CHI HUANGCHI HUANGCHI HUANG、Tan, Alex、Cox, Gary book/chapter web page(1077)
2010-04 Rethinking the Concept of the Grotesque: Crashaw, Baudelaire, Magritte SHUN-LIANG CHAO book/chapter web page(843)
2016-03 矽谷成功經濟學 CHEN-YUAN TUNG、方頌仁、陳文雄 book/chapter web page(1047)
2016-03 兩岸政策藍皮書 CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(997)
1995-01 開放教育的學習模式 CHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter pdf(257)
1995-11 從課後活動班談開放教育的實施 CHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter pdf(248)