All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 526-550 of 8402
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1993 測驗理論的發展趨勢 MIN-NING YU book/chapter web page(1037)
2006-01 台灣第一張報紙廣告與《台灣府城教會報》 TZU-LEONG CHENG book/chapter pdf(633)
2007-03 藍綠認同與紅衫軍運動的參與:一個框架結盟的解釋 SHING-YUAN SHENGSU-FENG CHENGSHING-YUAN SHENG book/chapter web page(1129)
1996 Electoral Competition and Legislative Participation SHING-YUAN SHENGSHING-YUAN SHENG book/chapter web page(1725)
2005-01 從民主神學看政治迫害 CHENG-TIAN KUOCHENG-TIAN KUO book/chapter web page(1274)
2008 Religion and democracy in Taiwan CHENG-TIAN KUOCHENG-TIAN KUO book/chapter web page(1640)
2005 Sustainable Development in Taiwan: Comparative and International Perspectives TSE-KANG LENGTSE-KANG LENG book/chapter web page(1464)
2011 大陸經貿政策的根源-國家與社會的互動 TSE-KANG LENGTSE-KANG LENG book/chapter web page(1356)
2003.12 中共菁英政治的研究途徑與發展 CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(1241)
2002 A Web-Based Data Warehouse Planning - A Large-Scale Project Management Information System in Taiwan JIA-LANG SENG book/chapter web page(1687)
2000 策略九說 : 策略思考的本質 = The nature of the strategy SE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1173)
1994 產業政策與科技政策論文集 SE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1222)
2008.04 Referendum and Democracy: The Experience of Taiwan CHI HUANGCHI HUANG book/chapter web page(1686)
2007-09 既重用又防範的菁英甄補:中共海歸派高官的仕途發展與侷限 CHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(1114)
2013.09 財富分配議題的問卷設計與測量 SHING-YUAN SHENG book/chapter web page(1344)
2009 Powering Rent-seeking in the Electricity Industry CHUNG-MIN TSAICHUNG-MIN TSAI book/chapter web page(1634)
2004.08 中國與全球城市發展 TSE-KANG LENG book/chapter web page(1235)
2001-01 聯合政府的理論與實踐─德國經驗 YOUNG -MING YEH book/chapter web page(970)
2000 國際政治與兩岸關係 CHENG-TIAN KUOCHENG-TIAN KUO book/chapter web page(1298)
2003.04 區域整合理論 CHIEN-YI LU book/chapter web page(1115)
1994 Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Taiwan : A Digression on the Effect of Taxation on Income Distribution CHU-WEI TSENG book/chapter web page(1529)
2005-04 Foreign Direct Investment and Tax Competition in Southeast Asia SHINEMAY CHEN、Jorge Martinez-Vazquez、Sally Wallace、SHINEMAY CHEN book/chapter web page(1620)
2003 Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1628)
2002-03 Individual Rationality as a Partial Impediment to Market Efficiency SHU-HENG CHEN、C.-C. Tai、B.-T. Chie、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1155)
2002 Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming Economics SHU-HENG CHEN、C.-W. Tan、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1364)