All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 5251-5275 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-06 臺灣女性主義的反性暴力運動 HSIAO-TAN WANG book/chapter pdf(1371)
2012-06 性別與家庭圖像的「變」與「不變」 HSIAO-TAN WANG book/chapter pdf(945)
2011-01 Translation into Chinese: Do Our Laws Promote Gender Equality? A Handbook for CEDAW-Based Legal Reviews, by Chiongson R. (Bangkok: UNIFEM, 2010) PEI-JEAN CHENPEI-JEAN CHEN book/chapter web page(492)
2016-12 A Short Intro on the Studies of Taiwan Literature in 2014-15 South Korea PEI-JEAN CHENPEI-JEAN CHEN book/chapter web page(627)
2015-04 音樂的文化、政治與表演 (二版) CHUN MING HUANG book web page(496)
2016-05 Body, Ritual and Identity: A New Interpretation of the Early Qing Confucian Yan Yuan (1635-1704) JUI-SUNG YANGJUI-SUNG YANG book/chapter web page(598)
2017-05 《藏外道書》所收明代內府「太乙天罡」法術抄本初探 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter web page(411)
2017-01 能源轉型與城市永續:初探美國城市的永續治理行動計畫 WEN-LING TU book/chapter web page(501)
2017-06 Rehabilitation in Taiwan CHI CHENG YANGCHI CHENG YANG book/chapter web page(558)
2017 EMI teacher development programs in Taiwan. CHENG-FANG TSUICHENG-FANG TSUI book/chapter pdf(398)
2015 Die Bedeutung der Grundrechte für das Verwaltungsverfahren: am Beispiel Governance CHIA-HO LINCHIA-HO LIN book/chapter web page(614)
2017-02 Staatsaufsicht über ausländische Investitionen in taiwanesische Unternehmen - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung CHEN-JUNG CHANCHEN-JUNG CHAN book/chapter web page(483)
2015-08 Regulating the Moral Hazard of Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions: A Critical Analysis on the Approaches of the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee KUAN-CHUN CHANGKUAN-CHUN CHANG book/chapter pdf(479)
2013 Sozialpolitik in Asien. Ein Handbuch der Staaten Asiens von A - Z CHIA-HO LIN book/chapter web page(532)
2013 Handbuch Sozialpolitiken der Welt CHIA-HO LIN book/chapter web page(612)
2014-12 以往工會會員身分歧視案 LIANG-JUNG LIN book/chapter pdf(202)
2017-03 The Traveling Idea of ‘Clubhouse’ from the West to the East TSEN-YUNG WANGTSEN-YUNG WANG book/chapter web page(625)
2017-08 Guanxi Matters? Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China. RAY-MAY HSUNGJENN-HWAN WANG、Chen, Tsuang-Yuan、RAY-MAY HSUNG book/chapter web page(730)
2016-08 The Changing Corporate Social Capital and Its Implications of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan RAY-MAY HSUNGRAY-MAY HSUNGRAY-MAY HSUNG book/chapter web page(555)
2017 Electoral System Change and Its Effects on the Party System in Taiwan CHI HUANGCHI HUANG book/chapter web page(704)
2017-02 Universal Participation without Taiwan? A Study on Taiwan’s participation in the global health governance sponsored by the World Health Organization PING-KUEI CHENPING-KUEI CHEN book/chapter web page(575)
2017-04 Taiwan`s Security Policy Options and Future Prospects FU-KUO LIUFU-KUO LIU book/chapter web page(713)pdf(545)
2009 Contextual support, motivation, and well-being in the online learning environment: A test of self-determination theory. YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN book/chapter web page(632)
2011 Self-determination theory: Implications for motivation in online learning. YANG-HSUEH CHEN book/chapter web page(676)
2017-03 Identification, International Encyclopedia of Media Effects JIH HSUAN LINJIH HSUAN LIN book/chapter web page(649)