All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 7151-7175 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-09 Bentham on the Corruption of Democracy CHIEN-KANG CHEN、Chen, Chien-kang book/chapter web page(178)
2021-01 效益主義的發韌:初探邊沁的政治思想 CHIEN-KANG CHEN、Chen, Chien-kang book/chapter web page(349)
2023-12 Political Polling CHI HUANGCHI HUANG book/chapter web page(360)
2021-08 Public Policy Preferences Revealed in Referendum Voting: The Case of Taiwan CHI HUANGCHI HUANG book/chapter web page(393)
2021-06 Political Institutions, Democratization, and Incumbent Party Cohesion Under Unified and Partial Unified Governments in Mexico YEN-PIN SUFABRICIO ANTONIO FONSECA FERNANDEZYEN-PIN SU、 Fonseca, Fabricio A. book/chapter pdf(187)
2021-06 臺湾の報道の自由における米国ファクターと中国ファクター JAW-NIAN HUANG、Huang, Jaw-Nian book/chapter web page(338)
2020-06 Measuring Capabilities: Using Financial Diaries in Bangladesh YU-HSUAN SUYU-HSUAN SU、 Linares, Julio、  book/chapter pdf(188)
2021-09 The Developing History of “Cheng Zhang Childhood Education Center” (1983~1988) MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI book/chapter
2021-09 敘述中消逝的歷史-臺北市立建城托兒所五十年發展圖景(1954-2007) MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI book/chapter
2021-04 慈心華德福教育實驗高級中等學校發展圖像之研究 MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI book/chapter web page(269)
2021-08 巔峰型教師—快樂教師效應的實踐 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book web page(245)
2019-12 組織再造—偏鄉學校行政之契機 CHAO-YU GUOCHAO-YU GUO book/chapter web page(190)
2020-07 少年Py的大冒險:成為Python數據分析達人的第一門課 YEN-LUNG TSAIYEN-LUNG TSAI、季佳琪、陳先灝  book web page(693)
2021-05 內容分析法在客家傳播研究上的應用:大眾媒體與社群媒體研究實例 HUI-WEN LIU、Liu, H.W. book/chapter web page(215)
2020-11 Perform me! On Notation as Writing and the Endless Interpretations CHIEH-TING HSIEH、Hsieh, Chieh-ting book/chapter web page(229)
2021-06 The East Asian Modern Girl: Women, Media, and Colonial Modernity during the Interwar Years SUMEI WANGSUMEI WANG book web page(239)
2021-06 Conclusion SUMEI WANG、Wang,  Sumei book/chapter web page(159)web page(265)
2021-06 Mass Media and the Modern Girl in 1930s Colonial Taiwan SUMEI WANG、Wang,  Sumei book/chapter web page(216)
2021-06 The framed female image: A pictorial semiotic analysis of Classic Shanghai Calendar Posters during the 1910`s-1930`s HSIU-HUI SUNHSIU-HUI SUN、Chen , I-Fen book/chapter web page(300)
2020-12 中庭 WEI-WEI HUANGWEI-WEI HUANG book web page(356)
2016-09 論「輕型知識份子」:以張愛玲為中心 WAN-JU WANG、Ju, Wang Wan book web page(205)
2021-04 陳延傑先生經學論著三種 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE、陳延傑、黃忠天、盧啓聰 book web page(265)
2020-12 傳經授業──戰後臺灣高等院校中的經學教育 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE book web page(183)
2020-12 賦家與諍臣:唐宋賦學論集 TUNG-HAI HSUTUNG-HAI HSU book web page(152)
2021-06 周公哪有這麼神:課本沒教的兩周史教室 TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-Chi、野蠻小邦周、謝博霖 book web page(241)