All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 7526-7550 of 8255
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008-05 Using Bayesian networks for student modeling CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin book/chapter web page(157)
2020-10 影響新聞可信度與新聞素養效能因素之探討 MEI-LING HSU book/chapter web page(134)
2021-01 導讀 SHI-CHI LAN book/chapter web page(161)
2021-12 西夏語的複合謂語結構析探 PEI-CHI CHANG book/chapter web page(118)
2022-08 中國當代言情小說發展概況、中國當代言情小說主要作家作品 WAN-JU WANG book/chapter web page(55)
2022-07 何定生著作集一:詩經、孔學及其他 HSING-CHIEN CHE book web page(106)
2022-09 何定生著作集二:尚書與文法 HSING-CHIEN CHE book web page(110)
2020-07 上窮碧落下黃泉——翱翔在道教與文學的世界 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter web page(144)
2020-01 朝封、道封與民封——從三個例子談封敕對神祇信仰的形塑與影響 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter
2021-12 道教月孛法研究:道經和通俗文學的綜合考察 CHEN-HUNG KAO book/chapter web page(59)
2022-04 蕉風、采風、食風:論馬來亞獨立前夕物體系統與國家認同的重構 KOK-HWA NG book/chapter web page(110)
2019-05 蕉風、采風、食風:論馬來亞獨立前夕物體系統與國家認同的重構 KOK-HWA NG book/chapter web page(99)
2018-05 《楞伽經》與聖嚴禪學——定慧之修的傳統與當代性 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(43)
2017-04 A Comparative Approach to Śubhākarasiṃha’s (637–735) Essentials of Meditation: Meditation and Precepts in Eighth Century China PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(220)web page(210)
2016-06 Anti-scholasticism in the Sixth-to- Eighth-Century China: Responses from Early Chan Communities PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(76)
2016-01 Pure Land, Zen, and Kegon Perceptions of China in 20th Century Japan: Buddhist Influence on Japanese Sinology PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter
2017-08 The Doctrinal Evolution of Formless Precepts in the Early Chan Tradition: The Theory of Mind Purification in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and the Brahmā’s Net Sūtra PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(161)
2018-05 The Rebirth Legend of Prince Shōtoku: Buddhist Networks in Ninth Century China and Japan: Buddhist Networks in Ninth-Century China and Japan PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying book/chapter web page(132)
2020-01 玄奘及其門下弟子勝莊的菩薩戒思想初探 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter
2018-07 圓仁訪五台山之路上的新羅人脈:對圓仁《入唐求法巡禮行記》的新見 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(151)
2015-10 新羅崔致遠《四山碑銘》中的禪宗祖師觀 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(127)
2019-08 聖嚴法師《大乘止觀法門之研究》寫作背景研究—論其天台研究的基礎 PEI-YING LIN book/chapter web page(109)
2023-01 Personal Meditation as the Foundation of the Foundation: the Proper Beginning of Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Chiu Yui Plato book/chapter web page(72)
2022-11 The Relation between Reality and Negation in Kant, Maimon, and Fichte CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Chiu Yui Plato book/chapter web page(185)
2022-12 歐美與亞太圖書資訊學教育 MEI-LING WANG book