All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1001-1025 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013.08 Between the Hierarchy and the Market: Managerial Career Trajectories in China`s Energy Sector CHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHUNG-MIN TSAICHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHUNG-MIN TSAI book/chapter web page(1705)
2013.08 The Rise of Youth League Affiliates and Their Paths to the Top CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(1292)
2013.03 未來想像教育在臺灣 CHIH-YU CHAN、林顯達、PAO-FANG CHANG book/chapter pdf(841)
2012.08 Hold a minor up to nature: A new approach on correlation evaluation with fuzzy data BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WUYU-TING CHENG、Wu, Berlin 、 Sriboonchitta, Songsak book/chapter pdf(1581)
2013.07 論述權力與權力論述:後結構女性主義理論對傳統教育政策理論的批判與超越 SHU-CHING LEESHU-CHING LEE book/chapter web page(912)
2007 Reconstructing Buddhist Perspectives on Homosexuality: Enlightenment from the Study of the Body YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1699)
2010.09 齋姑與尼僧教育資源之比較 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1279)pdf(1147)
2008-10 シャマニズムと道教、仏教、新興宗教 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1995)
2008.03 中國佛教會一甲子女戒師 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1602)
2008-08 Bhiksuni Hiuwan : Enlightening Society by Institutionalizing Buddhist Education YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(2550)pdf(747)
2007 In Pursuit of Buddha-hood: Master Yinshun and the Buddhist Study in Postwar Taiwan YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-chen book/chapter web page(1770)
2005.04 戰後佛教的出版事業——以陳慧劍為例 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1095)
2010-12 齋姑、齋教與宗族:日治新竹州的女齋堂 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1309)
2003.12 愛恨纏縛:佛傳文學裡的夫妻之情 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1170)
2002.12 母女情結:台灣女性出家與繼承家庭角色的兩難 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1046)
2013.09 真杉靜枝與殖民地台灣 PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(1460)
2012.09 作為表象的殖民地 PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(1496)
2012.08 呂赫若的戲劇活動--其戲劇的挫折與文學的回歸 PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(1177)
2012.06 中西伊之助與楊逵──日本作家在殖民地臺灣所見 PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(1533)
2012.12 「中國代表權」問題與1970年代國民黨統治政策的演變 HUA-YUAN HSUEH book/chapter web page(1651)
2013 土地資源概論 AI-CHING YEN book/chapter web page(990)
1989.01 唐代的比丘尼 YU-CHEN LI book/chapter web page(1269)
2004.01 醫療專業、行政監督、司法審查與民間參與 MING-CHENG KUO book/chapter web page(912)pdf(1289)
2010 台灣法學教育的問題與改革 MING-CHENG KUO book/chapter web page(714)pdf(756)
2012 後繼受時代的東亞法文化 CHI-SHING CHEN book/chapter web page(1056)