All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1276-1300 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1227)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1084)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1229)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1109)
2014 National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1343)
2013 National Intellectual Capital and the Financial Crisis in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan YEH-YUN LIN、Edvinsson, Leif、Chen, Jeffrey、Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1298)web page(1485)
2013 National Intellectual Capital and the Financial Crisis in Brazil, Russia, India, China, Korea, and South Africa YEH-YUN LIN、 Edvinsson, Leif 、 Chen, Jeffrey 、 Beding, Tord、YEH-YUN LIN book/chapter pdf(1175)
2013.05 第三屆兩岸國際法學論壇學術研討會實錄 CHUN-I CHEN book/chapter web page(1044)
2013 愛國學人:紀念丘宏達教授學術研討會會議實錄暨論文集 CHUN-I CHEN book/chapter web page(1198)
2010.10 丘宏達教授贈書儀式暨第一屆兩岸國際法學論壇學術研討會實錄 CHUN-I CHEN book/chapter web page(1056)
1997 台灣經濟實證研究分類索引續編V(民國83-84) 麥朝成、CHU-CHIA LIN、陳明郎、管仲閔、霍德明、LI-FANG CHOU book/chapter web page(1065)
2014 就是要跳舞:創造性舞蹈的心體驗 TSUNG-CHIN LEE book/chapter web page(988)
2010.11 在學、思、 行之間: 張京育校長口述歷史紀錄 CHIAO-MIN LIN、蕭道中 book/chapter web page(1289)
2013.12 走過甲子歲月:中華民國圖書館學會檔案選輯 CHIAO-MIN LIN book/chapter web page(1341)
2013-12 蔣中正與民國軍事 WEI-KAI LIU book web page(1214)
2009-08 養生與修身:晚明文人的身體書寫與攝生技術 HSIU-FEN CHEN book web page(1207)
2013-12 清代中國對外關係新論 MIN-SHU LIAO book web page(1464)
2010.09 帝國的太陽下--日本的台灣及南方殖民地文學 PEI-CHEN WU、Kleeman, Faye Yuan book/chapter web page(1444)
2012.10 中心到邊陲的重軌與分軌 : 日本帝國與台灣文學.文化研究(中) PEI-CHEN WU book/chapter web page(1427)
2013.11 民商法傳統與現代化 WEN-CHIEH WANG、龍衛球 book/chapter web page(861)
2013.11 當前民商事理論創新與立法前瞻 WEN-CHIEH WANG、龍衛球 book/chapter web page(778)
2013.1 大陸現行民法制度及未來發展趨勢 SHENG-LIN JANWEN-CHIEH WANG、易繼明 book/chapter web page(839)
2013.06 案山里100號 TUNG-LIAO CHENG book/chapter web page(1057)
2011 Multi-Agent Applications with Evolutionary Computation and Biologically Inspired Technologies: Intelligent Techniques for Ubiquity and Optimization SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Kambayashi, Yasushi 、 Sato, Hiroshi book/chapter pdf(1121)
2011 Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems VI : Post-Proceedings of The AESCS International Workshop 2009 SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Yamamoto, Ryuichi book/chapter pdf(1448)