All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1301-1325 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014.05 Policy and Marketing Strategies for Digital Media YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU、 Picard, Robert G. book/chapter web page(1701)
2014.01 Eye movement guidance in reading unspaced text in Thai and Chinese JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI book/chapter web page(1684)
2014.08 An Introduction to Alicia Little’s “Foot-binding; Two Sides of the Question” YEN-WEI MIAOYEN-WEI MIAO book/chapter web page(1981)
2013.12 A Profile of Religion in Contemporary Taiwan PING-YIN KUANPING-YIN KUAN book/chapter web page(1520)
2013.12 Becoming Religious? The Relationship between Change in Religious Affiliation and Religiosity in Taiwan Chao, Hsing-kuang 、PING-YIN KUANPING-YIN KUAN book/chapter web page(2184)
2013.12 Global and local connections in Mandarin-speaking children’s narratives: A developmental study based on the frog story WEN-HUI SAHWEN-HUI SAH book/chapter web page(1656)
2010 Elasticity puzzle: An inquiry into micro-macro relations SHU-HENG CHEN、Ya-Chi Huang、Jen-Fu Wang、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter web page(1305)
2009 Financial Applications: Stock Markets SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter web page(1424)
2013.12 1992-2010資訊計量學研究及其發展演變 MING-YUEH TSAY、劉瓊芳 book/chapter web page(2121)
2011 Bibliometrics and Knowledge Behavior Studies CHIAO-MIN LIN book/chapter web page(1601)pdf(866)
2013.12 Politics, Popular Culture and the Images of Japan in Taiwan I-YUN LEE、Han, Christine book/chapter web page(2238)
2013 Struggling for recognition: working carers of older people in Japan and Taiwan TSEN-YUNG WANG、 Shimmei, Masaya 、 Yamada, Yoshiko 、MEI-CHUN LIU book/chapter web page(1641)
2013.08 Taiwanese Daoism and Religious Experiences CHENG-TIAN KUOCHENG-TIAN KUO book/chapter web page(1310)
1996.05 Political Communication and the Study of Rhetoric: Persuasion from the Standpoint of Literary Theory and Anthropology DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO book/chapter web page(1424)
2011 Neuroeconomics: A Viewpoint from Agent-Based Computational Economics SHU-HENG CHENSHU G. WANGSHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1153)
2011 Prediction Markets: A Study on the Taiwan Experience SHU-HENG CHEN、C.-Y. Tung、C.-C. Tai、T.-C. Chou、S. G. Wang、B.-T. Chie、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter web page(1577)
2013.12 Reasoning-based artificial agents in agent-based computational economics. SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter web page(1477)
2011 The Market Fraction Hypothesis under Different GP Algorithms SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Tsang, Edward、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1190)
2013.12 Reconsidering the telecommunication and media regulatory framework in Taiwan: Using the new emerged media as examples. YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU、 Picard, Robert G. book/chapter web page(1827)
2013 公共行政學領域發展概況 JAY N. SHIH book/chapter web page(1125)
2013.12 日本統治期視覚式消費と展示概念の出現 I-YUN LEE book/chapter web page(1358)
2003 地方政府災後生活重建政策之比較 TSEN-YUNG WANG book/chapter web page(1278)
2012.07 永續發展與生態末日制度論 CHENG-TIAN KUO book/chapter web page(986)
2002.09 台灣長期照護體系之財務現況與展望 LI-FANG CHOU、王正 book/chapter web page(1488)web page(1248)
2002.12 全民健保保費課徵單位檢討 LI-FANG CHOU book/chapter pdf(468)web page(1490)web page(1507)