All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 576-600 of 776
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-12 考察中國輿論監督政策 馮建三 conference
2006-10 文化的經濟特性與公共政策:有關「創意產(事)業與文化多樣性」的幾點思考 馮建三 conference
2006-08 Limited Progress, Permanent Reform: campaigning for better media in Taiwan over the past two decades 馮建三 conference
2006-07 Exception Proved to be a Rule:how Taiwan`s audio-visual interests fall prey to transnational capitals and its future 馮建三 conference
2005-11 知識份子,社會遊說與政治威權:建構與擴大臺灣的公共電視,1990-2005 馮建三 conference
2005-10 新聞研究的前沿來自經濟報導,走向經濟監督 馮建三 conference
200406 眼前無路想回頭:論港台英韓法印電影產業對文化交流的啟示 馮建三 conference
2003-10 中國「市場社會主義」媒介的探索 馮建三 conference
2003-09 失控的商品:1990年以來的台灣電視新聞 馮建三 conference
2003-06 文化創意產業與好萊塢:來自半邊陲台灣的三點反省 馮建三 conference
2008-04 Chinese Ethics, Mass Media and the Global Development 謝瀛春、謝清俊 conference
2007-07 談新聞傳媒的社會責任─以臺灣的核能新聞為例 謝瀛春 conference
2007-03 The Social Responsibility of News Media—the Case of Nuclear Energy News Reporting In Taiwan 謝瀛春、謝清俊 conference
2006-08 Information, Communication, and Digitalization 謝瀛春 conference
2006-07 Talking about Science Popularization in Taiwan—An Aspect of Science Communication Theory 謝瀛春 conference
2001-01 Technical Communication in Taiwan 謝瀛春 conference
2008-12 藏諸名山 放諸四海:從使用者觀點再思典藏推廣 方念萱 conference
2008-07 Anti-feminism Backlash or Prowoman Rhetoric?A critical analysis of the reception of transforming pro-woman TV discourse 方念萱 conference
2008-05 「機緣」引發的因緣際會?從《數位時代的技藝:提出一個分析架構》一文談數位傳播研究轉向的議題 方念萱 conference
2007-12 與誰相共?Creative Commons在台灣發起、連結與型塑的行動者網絡分析 方念萱 conference
2007-07 New wave feminism or the same old story? A critical exploration of the transforming pro-woman TV discourse and audience reception in Taiwan 方念萱 conference
2006 To do or not to do? The exploratory study on Internet researchers’ concerns of ethics in Taiwan 方念萱 conference
2008-12 從現有想望未來的創新之路:隱喻搭配生活脈絡的研究取徑 孫式文 conference
2001-07 Oxymoron in pictures 孫式文 conference
2001-05 Surveying the digital future: A look at Internet influences in Taiwan 孫式文 conference