All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 376-400 of 2025
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004 The effects of incentive contracts and monitoring mechanism on honesty in managerial reporting HUNG-CHAO YU conference
2002 從會計師破產風險分析會計師法律責任對於審計品質與投資之影響 HUNG-CHAO YUWU-CHUN CHI、黃惠琦 conference
2002 Mandatory rotation and auditor independence – An analysis of auditor’s reputation effect(USA) HUNG-CHAO YU、W.C. Chi、S.T. Chiu conference
2001 兩稅合一制度下股東可扣抵稅額揭露之價值攸關性 WU-CHUN CHICHUNG-YUAN HSU、曹美娟、曹美娟 conference
2001 Experimental evidence of the effects of incentive design on the value of communication HUNG-CHAO YU、W.C Chi、T.C Wang conference
2004-08 Toward a Generic Transformation between B2Bi Standards XML and UML JIA-LANG SENGJIA-LANG SENG conference pdf(1267)
2004-01 A Process-centric and Innovation-centric Information Technology View on Intellectual Capital JIA-LANG SENG conference
2002 A Representation of Distributed DBMS Benchmark Workload Model JIA-LANG SENG、Han S. L. conference
2001-11 An Analytic Study in Electronic Commerce Benchmarks of TPC-W and Web EC JIA-LANG SENG conference
2001-11 A Comparative Study of DSS/DW DB Benchmarks JIA-LANG SENG、Wu、Lin conference
2001-11 A Schema Transformation between UML and Xml JIA-LANG SENG conference
2001-05 A Web-based DW Planning- A Large Scale Project Management Information Systems in Taiwan JIA-LANG SENG conference
2001-05 A Representation of Distributed Database Benchmark Workload Model JIA-LANG SENG conference
2000-12 訊息導向中介軟體應用性之初探 JIA-LANG SENG、韋凱忠 conference
2000-11 Exploring OPENGL Image Benchmark Tools JIA-LANG SENG conference
2000-05 探性分析影像系統基準法-OpenGL JIA-LANG SENG、林景蕙 conference
2003-11 A Schema Transformation between UML and XML JIA-LANG SENG conference
2004-05 無形資產鑑價及會計處理之現況與展望 TING-WONG CHENGKUO-LIANG WANG、Chih-Chiang Weng conference
2003-05 當前重大會計問題及其解決之道 TING-WONG CHENGKUO-LIANG WANG、Chih-Chiang Weng conference
2002-11 近十年來財務會計之研究領域 TING-WONG CHENGKUO-LIANG WANG、Chih-Chiang Weng conference
2001-05 企業經營環境之變遷與展望 TING-WONG CHENGKUO-LIANG WANG、Chih-Chiang Weng conference
2000 The nature of corporate income tax under full imputation tax regime-A test of the functional fixation HUNG-CHAO YU、W.C Chi、C.Y Hsu conference
2004-01 Intellectual Capital and Performance in Causal Models: Evidence from the Information Technology Industry in Taiwan WEN-YING WANGCHINGFU CHANG conference
2002-01 The Case Study of Management Strategy and Intellectual Capital Management System WEN-YING WANG conference
2002-01 A Comparative Study of DB Benchmark in Internet Commerce JIA-LANG SENG、Lin、Wang conference web page(1376)