All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 151-175 of 198
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-03 由近期歐盟與烏克蘭整合爭議觀歐盟對烏克蘭的共同對外政策 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference web page(535)
2014-03 後冷戰時期烏克蘭經濟發展之機運與困境 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference pdf(189)
2014-12 烏克蘭與歐盟之經貿發展及其效應 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference
2014-11 歐盟與俄羅斯競合關係之考驗:烏克蘭爭議 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference web page(564)
2018-07 Christian Activism in Hong Kong and Opposition to State- Sponsored Nationalism and United Front Work YUN WANG、YUN WANG conference web page(408)
2017-10 從法國看選後歐盟新局 CHO-HSIN SU、CHO-HSIN SU conference pdf(162)
2015-06 Sino-Russian Military Cooperation and Security Implications in East Asia HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(352)
2018-12 安倍首相的對俄政策及俄羅斯的回應 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference
2018-11 俄美於敘利亞的競合 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(609)
2015-11 Taiwan’s Viable Diplomacy and International Space: A Late-stage Review KWEI-BO HUANG、KWEI-BO HUANG conference
2017-04 Analysis of Russian East Asian Policy after Trump Administration Extended an Olive Branch to Russia HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference
2018-06 一帶沿線俄羅斯之基建經貿與商機 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference
2012-05 「競爭性威權」混和體制下之俄羅斯公民社會「管理」與民主走向:從2011年俄羅斯國會大選選舉結果與舞弊抗議事件談起 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference web page(151)
2012-03 2012年總統大選結果對於俄羅斯政治系統與政治穩定之影響 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference
2011-10 The Development of China-Russia Relations(1949-2011): Limits, Opportunities and Importance of Energy Factor JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference web page(243)
2011-09 The Emerging New Regional Order with Sino-American Relation Development in Southeast Asia: The Strategic Response of Russia JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun、Soong, Jenn-Jaw conference
2014001 The Importance of Economic Ties and the Energy Factor in China-Russia Relations JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference
2015-03 中俄能源合作發展與限制 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference pdf(131)
2010-12 中俄關係:「政熱經冷」 ; 「亦敵亦友」的「戰略協作夥伴關係」 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference
2017-11 中國與一帶沿線吉爾吉斯之基建經貿與商機 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference web page(196)
2010-06 地緣政治對國家主權的影響:─以車臣和科索沃獨立省思台海兩岸問題 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference
2011-11 東南亞政經新秩序─從能源強權俄羅斯重返亞太觀之 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference web page(162)
2012-04 東南亞區域新秩序之形成- 從美國與俄羅斯重返亞洲論之 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference web page(231)
2014-04 俄國能源在歐亞區域整合中的角色 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference pdf(138)
2011-12 俄羅斯民主發展與未來 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun conference web page(187)