All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 26-50 of 94
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-08 金山派之傳承與教法:歷史、在台傳承與歐美傳布初探 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2010-08 A Study of Exorcism in the Method of Ucchusma and Luminous Agent Marshal Ma 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2010-06 南臺灣法派蠡測 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2010-05 西王母形象之轉化:以《上清金母求仙大法》為核心 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2010-03 從藝術學門發展脈絡看華人宗教藝術研究的趨勢 謝世維Hsieh, Shu-Wei conference
2011-06 Religious Participation in Taiwanese Democracy 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian conference
2011-05 台灣宗教的政黨傾向 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian conference
2010-06 Religion and Political Conservatism in Taiwan 郭承天Kuo, Cheng-Tian conference
2011-10 Lay Buddhist Female Piety in Shanghai during the 1930s, 李玉珍 conference
2011-06 Female Buddha and Immortal Prostitute: the Doomed Career of Religion Women in Qing Novels 李玉珍 conference
2011-06 The Invisible Heir 李玉珍 conference
2012.12 玄珠有相,太乙歸真:當代西方對宋元以後內丹學研究之回顧 謝世維 conference pdf(1122)
2010-11-20 閱讀印度史詩研討會 國立政治大學宗教研究所 conference 說明頁(929)
2010-11-20 西藏史詩格薩爾與摩訶婆羅多的比較 劉國威 conference pdf(760)
2010-11-20 明代漢譯藏傳密教文獻和西域僧團─兼談漢藏佛教使研究的語文學方法 沈衛榮 conference pdf(1820)
2010-11-20 薄伽梵歌的bhakti成分 賴顯邦 conference pdf(1794)
2010-11-20 The Inquiry into the Problems of Intercultural Adaptation:Peter Brook’s The Mahabharata(1989 Film)in Comparison with Indian TV Production(1988) 楊薇雲、Yang, Wei-Yun、劉季音、Liu, Niki Chi-Yin conference pdf(1228)
2010-11-20 Bhakti as Semiotic Affect in Folk and Literary Versions of the Ramayana 海柏、Haseltine, Patricia conference pdf(853)
2010-11-20 Vessantara Jataka中之布施行研究 釋法融 conference 說明頁(1211)
2010-11-20 《羅摩衍那》與佛教的交涉—排斥與接受 曹德啟 conference 說明頁(896)
2015-05 《神學論集》1969-2014教父專文之回顧與整理 張毅民 conference pdf(1258)
2014-06 面對憂患與壓力,宗徒教父們的盼望由何而來? 張毅民 conference pdf(840)
2014-05 李豐楙「常S非常」之整理與對基督宗教適應台灣民間宗教文化之初探 張毅民 conference pdf(1247)
2010-07 巡弋失樂園:雲南白族觀音佛國的政治建構 李玉珍、Li, Yu-Chen conference pdf(457)
2012-06 禪修傳統的復興與東西交流—以聖嚴法師為例 李玉珍、Li, Yu-Chen conference pdf(759)